Did you ever wonder if you could actually send a packet of energy to someone with an instruction or intention of something you want them to do and get results? It is possible. Energy is real. It can be manipulated, commandeered and applied to affect physical reality. Please use it with reverence.
Did you ever wonder if you could actually send a packet of energy to someone with an instruction or intention of something you want them to do and get results? It is possible.
Part of my duty as the instructor and creator of “Channeling The Collective Unconscious” Psychic School class is to connect students to energy. This is the essence of this class.

Energy is intelligent information. If you can tap into it you have unlimited power to affect your reality. You have greater ability to bring your desires into the physical plane. You can heal if you learn specific techniques for healing. You can transmit information and even influence the thoughts of others.
The latter skill requires a high moral turpitude as you do not want to influence others without their knowing or consent.
In the class I noticed a student in a minor battle with her pendulum. She seemed to be looking at it and wanting it to produce an answer to a question she had, however, the pendulum was not cooperating.
As I noticed this I was inspired to gather energy to help her meet her goal. Spirit directed me to use my sixth sense to collect energy and then send it to her like a ball of light. My intention behind the energy was to connect her to the energy needed to release her answer through the pendulum.
Within 30 seconds she began to laugh as her pendulum wildly took off. She began delivering a message from the pendulum to her class partner.
Just as this was happening, another student who sat behind her looked up at me and asked, “Is it possible to stare at the pendulum and make it move.”
I laughed. That was just what I done a moment ago to the other student! So not only did we experience energy blockage removal but we also saw telepathy right behind it. It was like the energy was a pool ball hitting another ball as it moved through the room.
The way to gather and send energy defies easy explanation. This is rather amusing as I usually have no difficulty with words.
The best I can say is the following.
- Take a third eye stimulating meditation for at least ten minutes. Some great ones exist on “youtube.com.”
- Define what you want to do with energy. Do you want to influence someone to do something? Do you want to send a message? Do you want to create a condition in your life or manifest something? Set the goal for the energy.
- Sense what you think energy would feel like to you. To me it feels like heavy, compressed air.
- Imagine there is a cloud of energy around you and you are drawing it in a net, like fish in a pond.
- Pull the energy closer to you and compress it into a concentrated package about the size of a large ball like a basket ball or foot ball.
- Hold the ball to the right or left of your head as if you were getting ready to throw the ball.
- Throw the ball of energy towards the person you wish to affect as you concentrate on your intention for this energy. Example: If you want the person receiving it to call you on the phone imagine the energy imbeds the message, “Call me on the phone now!”
- Wait and see what happens.
This is a version of telepathy and remote influence. It will be taught in the next Psychic School, “Psychic Creativity,” or you can learn how by purchasing the e-book, “Psychic Creativity.”
Energy is real. It can be manipulated, commandeered and applied to affect physical reality. Please use it with reverence.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Spirit Millionaire Manifesting, Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Spiritual Millionaire Business Blueprint coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.