A couple of days ago I had a client session so lucid it brought tears of joy to both me and my client.
A father on the other side who looked a bit like Tony Curtis in his younger years appeared before me. He presented one correct fact after another about his life on earth with his daughter and his family.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: The thing though that really got to me was the Prayer Card. I asked him in spirit how he would communicate with his daughter in the future, what symbol(s) would he use.
He starts talking about a prayer, proverb or parable she was reading. I thought that odd, but delivered the message anyway.
To my amazement she said she had been reading the 23 Psalm, “The Lord is my Shepard,” over and over again the last few weeks.
Then to further my amazement her father said, it was on the prayer card at his funeral. She said, “Yes it was!”
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: This kind of specific detail about current conditions on earth, gives me tears of joy. To me this is proof how our loved ones truly are around, watching us and knowing what we are up to.
Have a beautiful, marvelous day!
THE PRAYER CARD update. So last night I get the following email from the client “D”. She adds the following to the story about the prayer card.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Looks like her father is sending her messages in the form of Psalms, Proverbs and Parables.
Happy Friday! Hate to bother you, but I just had to tell you what happened today. I was on my drive to work, woman in front of me her tag read: proverbs3. I looked and thought oh, nice. Then it sunk in. Laura!! She said proverbs, psalms….so the moment I got into work I goggled the passage.
I sat and was amazed at what it said. The more I read (it was a long one) the more I thought, I’ve heard this before…this past Sunday was my first day back to church in almost 30 yrs. And that was exactly what the pastor spoke on. I thought how odd..the more I thought about it the more I thought ‘how not so odd.’ It was about getting closer to God, trusting in him to lead you on the path you should be on. I marveled on this all day.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Am I making ‘things fit’ I thought it at first, and then thought of all the I can’t be’s about it. I left later than usual today I wouldn’t have seen her tag on her car if I left on time. The exact scripture as on my first day back to church? Oh what a glorious day this was for me. I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes to things that are in front of my face that normally I wouldn’t have given a second thought to.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, be safe and I hope to hear the show on Monday.
Take Care,