FREE Psychic Reading: Easy Simple Way to Get Your Own Psychic Answers
1. Cut up 20 or so pieces of plain equal sized paper.
2. On 10 of them write the word No
3. On 10 of them write the word Yes.
4. Place the pieces of paper in a bag or box.
5. Create your Yes of No question.
6. Focus on your question
7. Close your eyes and choose three pieces of paper.
8. See what the chosen papers say. 2 to 3 No papers = No answer. 2 to 3 Yes Papers = Yes answer.
FREE Psychic Reading: Hope this helps.
Explanation: At times clients ask me how they can get a free psychic reading. Besides the fact I do FREE readings on my weekly radio shows, I thought some clients might enjoy this method. It was developed for a class I teach on Channeling.
I use it myself when I need an objective answer to a question I have or could be influenced in giving to a client. Hope you like it!
Spirit Medium Laura