CLAIRVOYANT: A Touching Mediumship Story
My work is loaded with “Hallmark” moments. However this session was a stand out due to some very specific and revealing evidence. Read on.
[Identities have been masked to protect client privacy.]
Last week a lovely lady came to me for mediumship.

As soon as she walked into my office, I felt a father energy with her. I described an average to tall man who looked a bit like Robert Wagner, the actor.
He was wearing a dress shirt, high quality neatly pressed trousers, medium brown straight hair, parted on the left with some white in it, and a somewhat pointed nose. He said he had passed from cancer.
She confirmed this was her father whom she had come this day to “meet.”
CLAIRVOYANT: A Touching Mediumship Story
He felt like a doctor, although I gave the daughter with me his words only, which was “healer of high moral character, values and ethics.” Turned out he was a thoracic surgeon.
SESSION HIGHLIGHT. He revealed much evidence about his life on earth, personality, relationships in the family, and so on. However, the highlight was when he explained through me the following.
He said his friend whom had died before his time in a transportation accident with a name that seemed like “John” was there to meet him when he transitioned.
He also showed me a large German Shephard dog he said was with him in spirit. I heard a “Ted” type of name for him.
Turns out after the session the lovely daughter said her father repeatedly said he was “seeing” his deceased friend “John” and his “Ted” named dog before he transitioned.
She confirmed the family dog was a large German Shepard dog.
CLAIRVOYANT: A Touching Mediumship Story
Evidence does NOT get any better than this.