A client I had been coaching used the “I AM Mantra Affirmations” technique I teach in the Soul Abundance program. This technique will shift your vibration to the quality you wish to attract into your life. Then the Law of Attraction takes care of bringing in what you want.
The process simply is, “If you are upset about something create a simple three word affirmation to attract its opposite. Then repeat this affirmation while you are doing something mindful like walking, going off to sleep or meditating. “
Here is my client’s story.
“Today I checked in myself to see how I feel as you taught me as I began my walk. I realized I was upset about financial security, so I created an affirmation to attract its opposite.
Yes, I do earn an adequate living doing my profession, however, if I were unable to work I would not have an income, since I coach others on diet and nutrition.
So I created the affirmation: ‘I AM rich, I AM rich, I AM wealthy, I AM rich.’ As you taught me, the word ‘rich’ was the simplest word I could find which stood for financial security to my subconscious.
I chanted if for my entire walk of 45 minutes. When I got home, I had two new appointments booked automatically using my online booking system. I saw this as a sign from spirit that financial security was on its way. Later today I booked one more appointment the same way!
Then a month ago I was using the I AM Mantra Meditation in a different way. I felt I needed to get more publicity for the work I do. I felt the quality of the work I do is there, but if no one knows about it, well, then it does not exist. So I created an affirmation which I repeated during my daily walk for two days, as follows. “I AM fame, I AM fame. I AM wealth. I AM fame.”
I chose the word ‘fame’ it because it was the simplest word I could find which stood for getting publicity and also felt good to me, just like you had taught.

This one took a little longer to work. Two days after I started chanting it as I walked for 40 minutes, I received an email out of the blue. I had been chosen for a spot on a local TV station to explain the effects of low fat nutrition and weight loss!
I had to tell you about all of this, because after today’s events I realize this is something I can count on working, not just a coincidence. ”
So if you are feeling blue about something in your life. STOP! Do not despair. Be grateful you have the negative emotion. Then create a simple one syllable word to stand for the quality you desire.
The word you choose has to “feel” good to you, feel stimulating.
So there you have it a simple way to manifest your desires.
Love & Blessings,
Spirit Medium Laura
AFFIRMATIONs: They Do Work. PS I coach on this stuff. Just go HERE to set your appointment.