Psychic Predictions Real? Can we really tell the future? Is it possible. I Have been working with a psychic who has made very accurate predictions about my future. Everything she is saying is happening within days of accuracy.
However, I know that the future can change in an instant. Nothing is caste in stone, and I have a large part in the play out of predictions.

PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS: Monday night on the radio show I had a lovely lady tell me a prediction I had made about her finding employment did not happen.
After much probing I found out (and I hope she realized) the reason the psychic predictions did not turn out was she needed to do something on her end to help it happen. She needed to change her resume to reflect the new position she wanted.
She had been told by an employment adviser to redo her resume but had not yet done so.
I advised her how to change her resume to get the job she wanted. I was told she wanted more of an advisory, consulting type job from a former life as a technical person. She agreed this was indeed what she wanted but had not yet changed her resume.
So the secret to success with psychic predictions is in understanding what part we play in attaining the prediction. It is a good idea for the psychic as well as the client to review what they need to do if anything to help the prediction happen.