THE SECRET: The Spiritual Law of Desire, Want versus Need.
NOT GETTING WHAT YOU WANT? Maybe this is because you THINK you should want it, but do not truly WANT it.

Ex. You are trying to get a job (love, health, etc). after months of searching you still haven’t found one.
You take some time to look at the big picture. Do you really want a job? You realize you think a job would be
1. Boring, not fun.
2. Rigid schedule.
3. No time off to do other things.
You don’t really WANT a job, but you think you need one!
SOLUTION: You write down the kind of job you really WANT. It will be fun, flexible with plenty of time off for leisure.
You think, “Is this even possible? Could there even be such a job? If this job exists, I would LOVE it! YEAH!”
THE SECRET: Almost as soon as your pen leaves the pad you notice an advertisement for a job that fits these parameters.
Funny, you didn’t see this job before. Maybe since you didn’t think this kind of job existed, you didn’t see it?
You immediately apply for it. Within a week you are employed!
Is this magic? Well yes and no. It is the Spiritual Law of Desire, which is extremely potent. It is one of many missing Secrets which bring “mind to matter” quickly.
FOUR WEEKS TO BLISS If you would like more magic and miracles in your life take Soul Purpose MAGIC, the 4 week online webinar, starting in September.
It is a complete channeled course on Intuitive Development for Miracle Living. The first in The Intuitive Miracle training series. Complete line up includes:
CHANNELING. Infinite Creativity
PSYCHIC SENSE: Seeing, Reading & Healing
MEDIUMSHIP: Evidence of Eternity
and more ….
THE SECRET: Is not hidden. Learn more about how to get the secret here.