SOUL and ART: Intuitive Development Using Art
SOUL ART. What is it? Tonight I will be teaching a class on automatic writing. I decided to “warm up” the class using what I call Soul Art.
MOOD over MATTER. Soul Art simply is a way to allow the mood, event or feeling to rule the movement of pencil to paper. It is mood over matter vs. mind over matter. It is a way of getting in touch with your feeling nature, and allowing it to express through you.
SOUL and ART: Intuitive Development Using Art
FEELINGS are SOUL. Your “feelings” are your soul or higher consciousness speaking through and to you. The more you follow your feelings, or at least acknowledge their voice, the better a psychic you will become.
DISEASE, DYSFUNCTION & DEPRESSION. More importantly, however, the more you follow your feelings, the healthier a person you will become, for bottled up, unacknowledged feelings are the cornerstone of disease,dysfunction and depression.
SOUL and ART: Intuitive Development Using Art. For many years I worked doing something I did not enjoy. Thank goodness I retired before illness took me away from my work, because if I had not, I probably would have contracted a lethal disease of some sort.
At only 46 years old, I moved from corporate life, to retirement. It was fun, but I still was dysfunctional and highly toxic. Why? Because I had not acknowledged who I was, how I felt or why I was alive.
Soul and art can help you express your hidden meaning and plan for this life time. Non verbal communication can also help you awaken your intuitive, feeling nature, integral to psychic development.
FUTURE ONLINE WORKSHOPS, $20, class. RSVP Here. https://www.spiritmediumlaura.com/free-training/how-to-develop-psychic-abilities-makeover-mastery-programs/