PAST LIVES: How to Discover Yours.
When you learn how to channel you have opened your mental portal to the collective unconscious, the Akasha or the library of all information ever known or will be known in the universe. So channeling is a great way to discover your past lives or the past lives of others.

Attend LIVE training on Channeling and past lives HERE. Self paced video training about Channeling and past lives HERE. FREE introductory training can be obtained by joining my mailing list at upper right of this screen.
I have had readings and even taught some who have taken the Linda Howe training to read the Akashic Records. As I see the students suffer through each record they are calling for an answer, I realize a fluent channeler, can jump hoops around them.
Channeling seems to be a way to gain access to anything you desire to know including past lives in the safest and most facile way possible.
I didn’t always know this about channeling. I just thought it was something weird I did that was somewhat helpful.
But a couple of years ago my sister asked me if I would find a past life of hers. “Sure, I said,” and went into a light trance, asked in prayer to bring in my spirit guides, and then for a past life of significance for her.
Before I knew it I was channeling her past lives. One past life of extreme importance to her was one where she was a Priestess in the Maian religion. Spirit quickly channeled the spelling of the word. It was M A I A N, not M A Y A N, of which they knew I would assume. They showed me how she lived in caves in southern Italy, herded sheep, healed with herbs, wore a long white robe with a gold bracelet snaked on her upper arm.
When I was done I was incredulous. Did this culture really exist? Feeling a little wimpish I decided to face the facts. I did a little research. Indeed, the Maian religion is the Roman version of the Gaian religion in ancient times!
So how do your discover your own past lives? My fast answer is to learn how to channel. I provide training on this in which a student will actually travel into the Akashic Records to find a past life of their own.
Attend LIVE training on Channeling and past lives HERE. Self paced video training about Channeling and past lives HERE. FREE introductory training can be obtained by joining my mailing list at upper right of this screen.
My more detailed answer is the following.
1. Ask before you go to sleep at night to dream about a past life you have.
2. In the morning as close to arising as possible, write down in a journal what you remember.
3. If you do this a few times you will start to get more and more information. Your mind is opening to creative channeling with this process.
Well, there you have it. You can discover your past lives by opening your mind to the collective unconscious through dreams.
Spirit Medium Laura