How being open affects your mediumship session.
Wednesdays at 1pm ET, Spirit Medium Laura does LIVE Mediumship on radio. Join mailing list at top right of this screen to learn how to tune in or get read on show.
Last week I did a few mediumship sessions. Each soul is different. Each sitter is different.

The more open a sitter is the better the mediumship session, I have found. I had one woman say no to me even before I said anything. No matter what I said, she sat there with a tough look on her face, saying “no” I do not know that person. I knew I had her father and husband with me. After much backtracking she finally realized they were with us, but it took her a while.
In contrast her friend who came with her, was relaxed and open to what came through. Before the end of the session I was speaking in a brogue and dancing around my office doing the jig as her parents were from Ireland.
Twas a wonderful, lucid, amazing session. All sorts of highly specific evidence came through. At end of session her father i spirit said there would be a new baby in the family.
My client gasped. She remembered her daughter was one week late in getting period. Uh oh!
So if you want most from your mediumship session be open. Allow the soul in spirit to develop through the medium. There usually is a ramp up phase in beginning as the connection is developed.
If you allow this to occur (w/o revealing too much info), you will find your session will be so lucid your loved one in spirit will hit on something highly specific.
Another mediumship session over weekend, a father from spirit told his daughter he would use “hearts” as his way to talk to her. She gasped. Hearts were her favorite thing, her husband was always giving her some form of a heart every other day! Then he told her and her husband he knew how they met.
It was by accident when they were there waiting to do something else. They revealed after session they met when they each had gone to pick up their respective children from a soccer game.
The more open we are the better the session.
Spirit Medium Laura
Note: Private sessions with Laura can be arranged by clicking on the Book Session tab of this website.