MEDIUMSHIP: High Integrity Mediumship.

What is it and why would you want it? If your medium is not providing validating evidence from spirit, you could be worshiping a faulty process.
Evidence from spirit from your loved one provides to you the best “proof” available today (other than them sitting down to dinner with you again) that your loved ones exist and carry on a life after this life.
So when you are shopping around for a medium see if they provide 3 to 5 hard pieces of evidence (facts) from spirit telling you (not you telling them) this indeed is your loved one channeling through them.
I usually try to provide a picture of what they looked like on earth, their name or other names of relevance, their cause of passing, health issues, their relationship to you and finally a personal message of significance to you.
MEDIUMSHIP: High Integrity Mediumship
Evidence can take many forms. Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium, usually provides evidence about the life of the one receiving the messages, demonstrating the loved one in spirit is following their life and still “in the loop.”
Whatever the evidence, look for it! Don’t get seduced by dramatic messages which are vague. Look for the facts and you will receive healing.
MEDIUMSHIP: High Integrity Mediumship. You can see and listen to me delivering such messages and even book an appointment with me for your session right here:
Much love and have a GREAT day!
Spirit Medium Laura