Last night’s Soul Psychic Mediums show was fun, funny and mysterious.
Highlight 1: CORRECT is CORRECT. Rosemary, a caller, said she found out facts delivered to her during the last show WERE ALL ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! At the time they were delivered she had thought they were not! Nice validation for spirit. :)
Highlight 2: INCONTINENCE. Then her mother started to talk about Rosemary’s father and told us (much to my chagrin) that he was incontinent. I was relieved when Rosemary confirmed this, because it was a very impolitic message.
Highlight 3: THE CARD SHARK. Then her mother told her he (her father) would soon need more help and care. She was to be shrewd like a “card shark” to look out for her own interests, so she did not get all the burden of care of him.
Her mother said Rosemary always got stuck helping everyone and not looking out for her own interests (confirmed).
Rosemary laughed. Her mother had been a gambler when on earth. I laughed too. Her mother was a real spit fire.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: At times the messages are a little off beat, and mysterious. Last night a few different souls came in and gave information which illustrated (rather than stated) their personalities when on earth.
A mother in spirit came in and said she had been knocking on her daughter’s (the caller’s) door, but her daughter had slept through all of this. The daughter confirmed this had exactly happened.
The mother in spirit wanted to “wake her daughter up” to go to the doctor.
This mother had come from the other side several times during other shows to tell her daughter she was sick and needed to see a doctor. The daughter knew this was correct, but had no health insurance to go see a doctor!
Last night the mother spoke about how she still needed to find a way to do this.
BE OPEN TO YOUR MESSAGES. Just like Brenda and I say, be open to your messages, because more often than not what you think is wrong you find out later is absolutely right! The more open you are the more you get!
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: It is moments like this that make me love this work!
You can listen to last night’s show at this link.