Are you the kind of person that enjoys dynamic tension in a relationship? Do you want a committed long term relationship but just can’t seem to find the balance between boredom and drama?
I had a client come to me recently that always found herself with men who would either not commit or became obsessed with possessing her. She didn’t want the man who was obsessed with her because this was smothering and extinguishing of passion. Yet she was not able to attain the more exciting illusive type of man because he would not commit.
This reminded me of the Woody Allen movie, “Vickie Christina Barcelona.” In this movie Allen satirizes the existential conundrum of passion. Without it you are bored. With it you are crazy.

I checked in with spirit to see if this client had a problem with commitment or self-esteem. Spirit surprised me. Spirit said she was a hunter. She just enjoyed the excitement of the chase, the yin and yang, the dynamic of opposites attracting.
This is understandable. Without opposites it is difficult to create magnetic attraction. Chemistry is a great example of this. Think of electrons attracting to an atom to balance out the polarity creating a molecule like H2O.
So how could she have exciting passion in a relationship and still have a commitment, stability and love? How could she create a molecule of love in her own life?
Spirit spoke.
Firstly, spirit told her to acknowledge it is basic to nature to desire the balance of opposite polarities. She was a hunter. It is important to acknowledge this and build from there. Awareness is power.
Secondly, she was to begin to collect examples of relationships that worked, yet were passionate. These would be relationships with a dynamic interplay, yet were committed, consistent and long term.

Thirdly, spirit told her she already knew two to three girlfriends that had such relationships. Both the woman and the man were hunters within the intimate partnership. They both had exciting lives on their own and were not always longing over the other person.
My client became very happy with this idea. She felt she was going to attract it now that she realized it did exist.
If you are looking for something in your life and do not have it do what spirit said. Begin to collect examples of it around you.
Soon your beliefs about attaining this for yourself will shift.
Brenda Elizabeth and I were discussing this very concept about our own lives. We both are psychics. Both of us were concerned for a while about how a potential male partner would view us. Would a man accept this?
I reminded her of this idea that there are plenty of men who think being a psychic is wonderful, not weird. Then I sited a few examples of those I knew.
We both laughed, realizing our fears were unfounded. Then as we went our separate ways to hunt, we both had experiences with new men proving our belief true.