MANIFESTING: When GOD is hiding. This is a basic formula for working with superconscious mind to activate your God given power to create in likeness to the deity.
We were all made in the image of God. This means we have power over our destiny to affect the reality we experience. Another way to put this is that reality did not just happen to us. We actually created it with our thoughts.
But how do you affect your thoughts? Ah, now that is the Secret. For activation of our creative power must happen when the mind is peaceful, at rest and in alignment with super conscious mind.
Here is how.

“Ask GOD to come to you for Guidance, Opportunities and your Destiny. Do this.
1. Go into a deep trance with meditation until you feel neutral.
2. Command what you want with firm conviction as a part of GOD you have power to create.
3. Then go about your day, releasing this instruction to the universe for activation.
4. You will be led to do something new you had not thought of before. Do it.
This was channeled suddenly through me for you.
God bless.”
Guidance Opportunities and Destiny is GOD. When you feel very alone you can call upon GOD to come to you.
MANIFESTING: You do not have to suffer, be confused or off balance. You have more control over this than you realize.
The Secret is meditation and intention together. This is the cornerstone of all healing.
MANIFESTING: Take back what is yours today, your ability to create from the arms of GOD.
God bless, Amen.