LIFE ABUNDANCE: Raising Your Vibration to Miracle Frequency
I have begun to see a new pattern in my life. Spirit has been leading me to awareness of toxic elements in my life, I did not realize before, which were creating dysfunction. There were three areas of toxicity: body, love and money. For example, in my body my joints were aching. I felt tired all the time. I had bags under my eyes. My skin looked pallid.

I had been advised to watch the movie, “Forks Over Knives.” This move describes how all illness comes from inflammation in the body. All inflammation comes from flesh based ingestion. Even milk or fish is a flesh based ingestion.
When I first watched the movie, I was fascinated, but continued my style of eating even though I felt so tired, weak, achy, and arthritic all the time.
Coincidentally around this time I was invited to join some dear friends for dinner at a Vegan restaurant. I was required to listen to an hour presentation about becoming a Vegan before eating a gourmet vegan dinner for a bargain price. I “bit” at the invitation.
Little did I know it would “bite” back at me. There I was crying in the restaurant in front of all my friends as I watched the cruelty instilled upon living creatures for the money made to get the animals to produce more food. I’ve always been an animal lover and have a highly sensitive nature.
At first I just felt stunned, but then a few weeks later, I began to feel changed. I could no longer look at flesh, fish or dairy the same way. It felt toxic to me.
Spirit had shifted me. I began to see food differently. I began to crave foods differently. I suddenly in one day lost interest in flesh based foods!
HIGHER FREQUENCY MEANS HEIGHTENED PSYCHIC SIGHT. There is more to this. When a spirit medium eats foods at higher frequency, their vibration rises. As vibration rises psychic ability increases. Since I have begun to eat this way, my psychic abilities are increasing astronomically.
Other synchronicities accompanied this shift.
I had clung to the last vestiges of a highly toxic love relationship. After doing some Emotional Freedom Technique work on myself, I was able to let go of this neediness. I realized I clung to this toxic relationship because I was trying to sooth a feeling of inner emptiness, the consciousness of ego bereft of soul. I believed I needed a relationship to feel complete.
As I let go of this need, I also let go of expectations to “meet” the love of my life or any one to complete me. I began to be happy just being me.
All these shifts are aspects of soul alignment. The more you align with your soul, the more your life is abundant.
LIFE ABUNDANCE: Raising Your Vibration to Miracle Frequency
As all these components began to fit together. I was rapidly moving into the higher frequency of miracle consciousness. My lucky coincidences began to increase.
Along these lines, I began to hear things I might have dismissed in the past. A dear friend told me how she knew of some individuals who were day trading for a living. I became immediately fascinated with this idea, as I had lost almost all of my retirement money by trading improperly.
At that time in my life having money validated me. I believed if I had enough money I would be complete. Spirit seemed to be teaching me how I was already complete since I was a spiritual being having a physical experience.
As I faced the “death” of ego and moved into the infinite nature of soul, I no longer needed to eat flesh, aggrandize with money or even to have love from another to feel happy. It felt as if I had ascended to a whole new level. I craved raw nuts on my salad instead of a juicy steak.
As I went through all these changes I revisited the entire area of securities trading. I began to find systems and methods that were simple, which I could use. I saw where I had never before the “sense” of money management, following rules, discipline, patience, education and belief.
TRADING BEGAN. I began to study successful securities traders, with a plan to emulate a system carefully with patience, prudence discipline and education.
And there is more!
LOVE APPEARED. Suddenly I found interest in a new love partner. He appeared to be everything I wanted but would never have seen, appreciated or recognized before I detoxed.
BODY HEALTH. I began to feel better physically. My energy started increasing. I felt flexible. The aches in my joints started to decrease. The bags under my eyes diminished. I began to be able to sleep through the night soundly.
LIFE ABUNDANCE: Raising Your Vibration to Miracle Frequency
Many of these events are newly forming. Let’s see where I am in a month.
Spirit Medium Laura