Spirit can talk through the subconscious of the client using Soul Talk Magic preventing an influenced or prejudiced reading from the psychic.
Was working with a young woman seeking to find her soul mate, a man she could fall in love with and marry. I predicted in one of her readings she would meet a doctor and she did.

She met this very good looking doctor who works as a medical expert for a local news station, is in high demand and is high powered. Unfortunately he was treating her like a pretty play thing, and not a serious contender for his heart.
I rallied all my psychic and life skills to her aid, but the “booty call” behavior continued. Spirit said some of it was her fault because she actually declined a date he offered instead offering her body instead! I was aghast as she confirmed this was so.
SOUL MATE: Offering your body instead of your soul, can be disastrous
Apparently she did not feel “good enough” as a person for him. She happened to be a stunning beauty so thought her body would win him over. Not so. All this did was place her in the position of “booty call” to him.
This doctor being handsome, wealthy and powerful had enough beauties thrown his way. He needed his soul mate, not a house date.
After many repeat readings on the subject I started to get really discouraged. How could I help her? She wanted to know if their relationship will work out. All of my life experience said, “NO!”
SOUL MATE: How do you correct a situation where you and your suitor think it is all about the body and not the soul?
Well, this is what happened. When she asked if it would work out with this man, I asked spirit for the answer.
Then I used Soul Talk Magic, a blind reading system. I had her choose from two random colors. One color stood for “yes” and one for “no.” I had her choose three times so it would break a tie if she had one.
To my amazement both her “blind” Soul Talk Magic choices and spirit’s answer through me chose, “yes, things would work out between her and this man.”
I felt really awkward, but what could I do? I had to give her the answer “yes.” Then spirit rambled off a string of instructions to her to make this so. I left it at that.
SOUL MATE: Follow spirit’s advice
She began to follow the advice of spirit. At first their relationship pulled apart, just as spirit said it would, but then, I got a call yesterday from her! He took her on a real date the night before! He was coming around, as Soul Talk Magic and spirit said.
I had to share this story because it is so amazing to me how spirit can talk through the subconscious of the client preventing an influenced or prejudiced reading from the psychic.
Soul Talk Magic was proven again as a miraculous way to get answers from spirit. I am so grateful to have access to it. It is helping this young lady find her soul mate and can probably help others.