Yesterday had such a wonderful session with a lovely client. She was overcome with grief. She had just lost her husband, mother and lost her daughter years before. She had been the caretaker for each.
The session was filled with magical evidence, that made both of us cry, shake and wonder. It was an “oh, wow!” kind of event.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: The scene changed when the next client arrived.
No matter what I said during her discernment she always found the thing she thought was not correct, ignoring what was correct.
Ex. I said, “I see a man who says he is your father with very dark hair, thinning on top and greying at the temples. Please confirm.”
She said it was correct her father was in spirit (after I pulled that out of her), but her father’s hair was black (not dark) and he went completely white at 30 years old.
So to me this means her father was trying to show his very dark hair at various times in his life in one composite image, including dark hair and the greying aspect of it at once.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: To be very literal with spirit communications can shut down the channel, just when it was being warmed up and opened. At times spirit is extremely specific, but the beginning of the session is the time spirit experiments with methods to match my frequency to theirs.
At 15 minutes I offered her a refund. She said she wanted to continue.
But then at 30 minutes she wanted a refund. I don’t think she realized you if you ask for a refund after so much time is used you pretty much have abused the psychic. But I gave it to her anyway just to have peace.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: It is important to understand the medium is a person too.
Unfortunately this did not give me peace. I am still reeling from this experience. The evidence, feelings and perception were identical to all other sessions I do, yet she was in denial of most everything.
I think perhaps it has to do with expectations. When a client does not prepare as I ask by reading what I provide and having them listen to me doing radio readings in which one soul after another is brought in with validated evidence, they have a self defined expectation.
They most often want to hear things a certain way. They are not open and do not let spirit lead. If spirit does not deliver exactly the way they expect, they close down, the psychic pipeline then, in turn, closes.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: The more open you are to receive whatever if presented the better, more specific and clearer your session will develop.
Getting some clients to understand this is part of the challenge of mediumship.
Blessings and have a beautiful day!