Mediumship – Bullying Spirit!

The aunt from spirit chirped into my ear, “I only had three children, not four!” I giggled. This aunt was sharp and quite a live wire, for having been so ill on earth. Evelyn confirmed, “Oh, yeah, right, my aunt did only have three children, not four.” Was this not amusing? Evelyn hardly would validate this aunt existed! Yet this aunt was so powerful and lucid she was even correcting us!

Evelyn desperately longed for validating evidence from her deceased boyfriend Taylor.  She had been having dreams about him, but her dreams seemed more like her desire to hear from him, than his actual communication.  He simply would appear in her dreams without offering any signs or validation.    

As I went to spirit for Evelyn, an aunt appeared instead of her deceased boyfriend.  Evelyn said she did not have an aunt in spirit, nor did she want to speak to any aunt.  She wanted to hear from her boyfriend.

Séance conducted by John Beattie, Bristol, Eng...
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I gently and lovingly asked spirit again for another connection.  The aunt spoke again, instead of Evelyn’s boyfriend, insisting she was an aunt.  The aunt was very kind, but firm. 

This went on for a few iterations before Evelyn begrudgingly gave in, remembering she did have an aunt.  It was her step mother’s sister, whom she did not know very well. 

The aunt told me about her frail health, which started early in her life and how she had died from this illness.  Evelyn confirmed this was so and quickly told me her aunt had four children. 

The aunt from spirit chirped into my ear, “I only had three children, not four!”  I giggled.  This aunt was sharp and quite a live wire, for having been so ill on earth. 

Evelyn confirmed, “Oh, yeah, right, my aunt did only have three children, not four.” 

Was this not amusing?  Evelyn hardly would validate this aunt existed!  Yet this aunt was so powerful and lucid she was even correcting us!

We continued. 

Awake Groa Awake Mother illustrated by John Ba...
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After receiving the aunt we went on to bring in Evelyn’s deceased boyfriend.  She wanted the name of a song to which they had listened together. 

The more we pressed Taylor, her deceased boyfriend, for the name, the more elusive he got.  Names can be received from spirit, but only when you leave the space for the name to be inserted. 

You need to drop all expectations and allow spirit to speak. 

Finally, after stepping back, I gave Taylor a chance to express himself in his own way.  I gently asked him how he would communicate with Evelyn.  He said he would send her a rabbit.  This would be his sign. 

I was a little uncertain a rabbit would be received well by Evelyn, since it seemed so unusual, but to my amazement she immediately understood.

Taylor had a pet rabbit on earth.  This rabbit was a big thing between them, playing with it and talking about it.  So when Taylor wanted to connect with Evelyn on earth using rabbits as his sign, this worked for her.   

The more you allow spirit to lead the session with the medium the better the session will be.  Have an open, receptive attitude when connecting.   This is where the real miracle of mediumship begins.

NOTE:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings,  mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching.    She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or


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