Getting Much from Your Mediumship Session


Mediumship Guidelines

  1. Please do NOT reveal information (who you want from spirit or anything about your question).    Just answer with Yes or No.
  2. Mediumship is not like ordering a hamburger from McDonald’s!  Spirit in control of sessions and who is brought through, we are not. 
  3. Predominate soul will come through.  At times this is an intermediary soul to other souls you want to speak to so let it happen.
  4. You may not expect who does come through (a neighbor’s son who died of drug overdose for example) but let that soul speak to bring in the other souls.  Once that soul has cleared we can get to other souls.
  5. Each spirit communicates differently.  Some send words, feelings or pictures.  Some send all or combo of these.
  6. Not all souls communicate equally.  Some souls need to LEARN how.  Not all souls ARE READY to communicate.  There could be a period of ADJUSTMENT in the afterlife for them.  Not all souls WANT to communicate with us.  Not all souls can tell us what we want to know.  They do not know everything.   More on this in this article HERE.
  7. Your desired soul may have appeared and you for some reason do not recognize the evidence presented.  Either you do not remember, the way it is described does not resonate for you or what is described is not meaningful to you.  This does happen from time to time.  Spirit does try, however, to give you what you would find meaningful.


1.   Grief can block your session.  So be past your grieving period, usually taking at least 3 months.

2.  Energetically Blocked Individuals.  It may come as a shock to you, but some individuals are just blocked.  They may not want people to know who they are inside.  They might not want to know who they are inside.  It is nearly impossible to read for this type of individual.

If you are energetically blocked you will unwittingly prevent a connection to the Other Side.    This cannot be controlled by the medium and therefore is a risk you take in setting a session.  If you are concerned about this, just book a short 15 minute session to “test the waters.”

3.   You do not really believe you can communicate with your loved one in spirit.  Coming in with a “show me” attitude will block what you get.

4.   Requiring Tangible, Fixed, Specific Evidence.   If you have a fixed idea about what to expect, how the session will feel, or what should be presented during your mediumship or reading session you will block your session.

Each session is unique.  Each medium is unique.  Each soul is unique.   Be open to get best results.

Evidence can come in many ways from spirit.  Spirit will provide what it will provide.  You need to be open to get the best results.

Examples of fixed evidence include:  You want to hear some exact name, song, incident, explanation, find jewelry, the family money that was lost, or get a specific message from some exact person you name.   Sometimes this happens, however, the more you freely receive what comes through the greater your chance of getting what you want.

5.  Expecting An Entertainment Medium Experience.   Your session will be blocked if you expect it will be like sitting with entertainment mediums like John Edwards, Theresa Caputo (Long Island Medium) or Lisa Williams.   Those mediums present spirit in STAGED situations to provide excitement, drama, exceptional evidence and are not a realistic expectation of how spirit does present. 

An uncut mediumship experience might include making a mistake and pausing a bit to get a message.  Listen to me giving live readings on radio to see what an uncut mediumship experience is like.  Go HERE. 

6.  Shock at communicating.   I have had clients freeze up like a “deer in the headlights.”   You are in a state of shock at the thought you are communicating with a medium to speak to your loved one.  This  can be an intimidating experience, perhaps a little scary, like seeing a ghost.    

Mediumship – Getting Who You Want From Spirit

As a medium I am able to make a connection with the soul you want 99% of the time.    However the level of your recognition could vary.  Just as you or I could meet the same person and see something completely different, so it goes with spirit.    

When you come for mediumship expect to be SURPRISED!   If you want what you get, you increase the chance you will get what you want.  

If you are concerned about this then choose a paid 15 minute test session beforehand, read my testimonials, listen to my radio readings here.

This is an example of a good mediumship session.  I just read for a client recently who wanted to speak to his ancestors to discover his family history.  I was a little concerned. 

Mediumship is not archeology, nor entertainment, but he was very open to anything that came through and trusted me due to his referral.

I proceeded to open the session.  His grandmother and great aunt came through.

I was a little concerned because they, his ancestors, were not presenting skulls of evidence in the sand (ie physical evidence).  Instead they were presenting the psychological makeup of the family and how it had stunted my client’s personal development.

He “got” this and allowed the flow of information to continue.  By the end of the session, tangible physical evidence had been presented, as well as, completion of this psychological profile.  He had received some extremely valuable advice about why he was blocked from his own power. 

His grandmother said through me that his father had been overly domineering, stunting his personal expression.  He validated this.  Then his grandmother encouraged him to live his dreams and find his power in the new healing and coaching business he validated he wanted to start.

This information was extremely prescient as he had been sent (unknown to me during his session) by his estranged wife.  I had just done a session for her two weeks earlier. 

In that session her mother came through from spirit to advise her about her husband’s emotional blocks.  His session explained all those blocks to him from his deceased relatives for his healing and perhaps to salvage the almost lost marriage! 

I didn’t know any of this during his session, yet spirit, on queue, handled all of it perfectly! 

This proves to me the healing and loving intelligence available to us in spirit.  You would be surprised to learn how many clients innocently block receiving the benefit of that intelligence due to various reasons. 

I had a client come to me to get her deceased fiance to say the name of the song she just heard on the radio.  Instead he presented the idea of the obscure pet rabbit they used to own. 

Another client wanted to speak to her deceased husband to get information about an incomplete financial settlement.  As soon as her deceased husband came through, he showed me his old and tattered briefcase which held the missing papers his wife desired.  She didn’t ask.  It just came through. 

5. Psychic Amnesia.  You don’t recognize the name, fact or shared memory presented from spirit so you pull away.  At times you may not know, remember or understand what the evidence means yet.  Take the evidence, write it down.  It may make sense later. 

One client came to me due to the suicide of her fiance.  When the name “Patrick” came through she accepted it with an open mind, realizing it might mean something.  Then two days after the mediumship session she learned the name Patrick was the name of the estranged father of her fiance. 

Here is another great story of validation.  N. came to me for a session.  She had no expectations, which was good, however, she did not remember or recognize information.  This created a weaker energetic connection than could have been.

During N.’s session her deceased boyfriend kept insisting there was a picture of him in her bedroom under some clothes.  The less she realized that picture could exist in her bedroom, the weaker the connection with her boyfriend. 

Thank goodness I was tenacious.   Two weeks after N.’s session I received the following information from her.  

“Tonight I finally decided to clean up piles of clothes random things etc that were laying all around my room for few weeks.  Towards end I found an old journal underneath last pile of stuff. Really don’t know why this journal was laying around & out of my closet. This journal is from at least 6 years ago that I haven’t written in or read in long long time. I just opened it & didn’t go to open pages, just opened the cover & look at picture below [picture of her deceased boyfriend]. Totally forgot about this picture……he really liked this even though it was taken years after we have dated……I felt the need to share this with you.  Xoxo. N.”

6.  You think your loved one will see things the same way you do or will have changed to be more spiritual.  I had one session recently where the deceased mother came in and told her daughters, “I did not enable your brother.”  Both daughters were astute enough to realize their mother would have said this while on earth and were amazed to realize how their mother had not changed even though she had transitioned to spirit.          

7.  You think your loved one in spirit will be evolved.  Mostly your loved one is still very much the same personality they were on earth with grades of expansion due to the life review.  One session a sitter’s mother came in and said, “You were a model child,” when the daughter thought she was not.  The daughter confirmed this revealing, “My mother was the type of person that always tried to cover things up and make everything seem nice when it wasn’t nice.” 

8.  No matter what evidence is presented you do not agree with it, or you do not believe it is your loved one.  Here is a baffling little story about such an experience.

This client had been referred to me by someone whose session with me was so clear she claimed, “It was like my [deceased] mother was in the room with us.”  The soul had employed all my psychic senses like seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling.  I guess this set an expectation with the client who now sat before me.

After the client and I had spent 40 minutes together much validation was offered.  She affirmed as her father revealed (1) he was the Arabic part of her bloodline, (2) he was on another continent separate from her when he died in an accidental, sudden death, (3) her mother was with him in the hospital at the time of his death, (4) he volunteered advise about a business union she was thinking of forming and she had come to ask about, (5) she was in a textile fabric related business, (6) she had at least one son, and so on. 

After all of this she said to me she wished she could really know this was her father!  I guess she expected her father to materialize in the room with us!

The more open you are to what does come through, the more that comes through.  Nature of the game. 

Much love and many blessings,




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