FUN DAY on SUNDAY! Had so much fun on Dr. Mitch’s health radio show doing LIVE and RAW readings! Quite different from the shows Brenda and I do.
Even mediumship had to be done in a millesecond.
HIGHLIGHT: One woman called in who had lost her son this past May. She wanted to know if he had done it deliberately or if it was a mistake.
At first I was concerned. AM radio is very fast paced. You can’t sit there and attempt to make a spirit connection. It has to happen instantly.
AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: However, he came right in, much to my relief.
He said he had make a mistake in the way he had done what he did (I think drugs). He apologized to her and his family, especially since he was the oldest in his generation and was supposed to be a good example, not a bad one (confirmed).
He kept going on about how his mother should not feel guilt at not paying enough attention to have prevented this. At first she said she paid so much attention and did not understand his words.
AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: At that point I realized he meant he slipped through his mother’s hands to spirit despite all the attention she had paid to prevent this. He wanted to comfort her by saying it was not her fault.
Have a blessed day!