My mother, a medium when on earth, appeared to me last night in a dream. I had just done a seance that evening in a private home. I find that when I do mediumship spirit connections I will have a dream about the other side that same night. Last night was no different.
So last night during a dream so vivid I awoke after it, my deceased mother appeared in perfect three dimensional form. That was the point. She appeared solid, so solid I might add, I tried to hug her in the dream to feel her physically once again.

But when I did that, she vaporized. Then she came back right away lovingly and opened a door behind her. This door led into another world (the spirit world). There were all sorts of people as physical as you and I seated and standing there, all strangers to me.
I marveled at “seeing” all of them for a moment, amazed at how “real,” “human,” and physical they all looked. At the same time I was thinking about my mother’s vaporizing a moment earlier when I tried to touch her.
My mother obviously was attempting to teach me how “physical” the spirit world is. It is not a vague place. It appears to be just as real to them, as earth is to us. But if you try to touch it, well, it is just not physical, and will not relate to us that way.
Hopefully this lesson will go further than my understanding right into my experience, lighting up my spirit communications as a medium with even more vividness, details, love and light.
Love & blessings,
Spirit Medium Laura