Seance Reveals How Skeptics Lose
Recently I did a séance (spirit communications circle) at a private home. I had warned the hostess, “no skeptics,” but unfortunately there were three in the room.
The first one approached did not ruin the circle, but laughed menacingly. Luck was upon the event and her paternal grandmother appeared with lots of validated evidence.

When I got to another young lady in the circle, no matter what was said she looked blankly back. After a vaguely validated distant grandaunt was brought in, the sitter said, “I don’t have anyone in spirit I know well.”
It appeared this sitter was there to have her curiosity satisfied. Curiosity seekers are a soft version of skepticism, in that they are looking to be shown something so they can believe.
The third skeptic was a lovely lady in denial. After many denials she finally validated an attractive, slender, average height lady who wore glasses, had mid length brown wavy hair was “probably” her God Mother.
Then this sitter sheepishly asked me after the circle was closed, “Is it possible to block messages if you are a skeptic?”
I turned to her and said, “Yes, definitely. Did you have a traumatic event when you were young?”
She emphatically explained the trauma she experienced as a child. She had been abandoned by her parents when her younger sister was born. This left emotional scars, had trouble trusting and was currently in therapy to address.
I told her that was too bad because in being a skeptic she had deprived herself of the personal miracle of experiencing spirit.
SEANCE REVEALS STAR of EVENT, THE STRONG MOTHER. Thank goodness the star of the event DID appear. She was the mother of the birthday girl for whom this party was being thrown. This strong willed and dominant woman came in with a flurry and a message.
She was the first soul that was brought in as I delivered messages to the circle. Then, ironically, she was the last soul that showed up as I delivered messages to a young man, the son of the birthday girl, the grandson of the mother in spirit.
If you think this was an accident, think again. Spirit is VERY organized and had this planned all along. This grandmother had set this up to be bookends to the event, opening it and closing it with a couple of other readings and skeptics planted in the middle for good measure.
Her final message to her grandson was the following. She apologized for repressing his development because she was too dominant and disciplining of him during the time she helped raise him. He had artistic talent which he never pursued because she had “shut him down,” by over controlling and dominating him.
She even admitted to beating him, which caused quite a stir at the circle. This grandmother apologized to him.
The grandson confirmed he did have artistic talent and did not pursue it. Instead he sold cars. He did not believe in (was skeptical of) himself, because of her rough parenting style.
A talent not used. A grandmother who came in to apologize. Fascinating.
Seance Reveals the take away. “Skeptics (those that do not believe in themselves or in others) deprive themselves of experiencing miracles in their life and their own magnificence.”
Spirit Medium Laura