Manifest With Energy

This is channeled material from Alpha Omega on manifesting.

It is evident that many individuals think manifesting is somewhat like shopping.  They go into the store of life and find what they want and purchase it.  You want it.  You buy it. 

Manifesting is more complex, yet even simpler than this.  Manifesting has little to do with acquisition and all to do with life.  It is not about getting things.  It is about producing results in your life that have an intangible aspect to them.

Image by GuideEbook via Flickr


We call this energy.  If an event has no energy behind it then it cannot be manifested.  This is why we say to manifest money is useless and ineffectual.  You need to work on the energy behind the money.

So if you are trying to manifest a household item like a treadmill to exercise on, you need to focus on the essence of the treadmill, the energy behind it.  If you focus on the physical you will get mundane, not miraculous, results.

Focus on the essence of what a treadmill will provide for you.  The essence is feeling and looking better, being healthier and perhaps even attracting love into your life because you look and feel better.  These are energy items.  They are intangibles which hold to them place markers of attraction.

They will attract because their polarity is incomplete.

When we say the polarity of something is incomplete we mean it is like an electron that requires a proton to complete itself.  In particles there is always a drive to find the mate to make it physical.  This is quantum physics.  More at this link:

In life this carries through if we pay attention to energy.

Image via Wikipedia


The energy of health requires the completion of being healthy. 

In other words when you are thinking about being healthy you are creating a vacuum to be healthy.  Thinking about a condition or state creates a place marker or holder to complete that state with the actual event.

So if you are thinking about having love in your life, you are creating a vacuum in the physical reality to fill with love in the physical world.

If you are thinking about having a treadmill, you are not creating a vacuum. You need to think about what the treadmill will do for you in terms of energy, the intangible equivalents.  Then the vacuum is created to attract the treadmill or its equivalent in the physical world.

This is a process to follow.

Think about what you want in the physical world.  Then identify the intangible equivalents of that object.  If it is love, think about having a loving partner.  Then think about how that will make you feel.  You might feel you belong to part of something bigger than yourself.  You might feel togetherness.  You might feel being loved and looked after. 

The next step is to put together a vision board of some sort that illustrates the feelings behind the tangible product.  So if you are looking for love, your vision board might have two people eating together, laughing together or even holding hands.  These are the feelings of love made into something tangible.

Then review your vision board at least once a day for eight minutes.  The results will astound you.  You will find that concentrating on the intangible aspect of your tangible goal will act like a magnet to bring in the completion.

Metaphysics states that you cannot have an idea without a completion in the three dimensional plane of existence.  This is the law we are speaking about.  It is called the law of fruition or fruitfulness (The Universal Law of Gestation.) 

NOTE:  For help in manifesting your heart’s desires, contact Laura Mendelsohn for advanced metaphysic coaching with the help of spiritual guides coaching and the Quantum Flow program.   She can be reached at 954 465 7338 or email

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