Telephone Psychic Readings do work for many reasons. Beware if your telephone psychic reading is online through one of the big services. The psychics are usually burned out and need to protect themselves by treating you like a thing not a person. I know because I have done both.


Telephone Psychic Readings are better in many ways to being in person with a client.

It never ceases to amaze me how people ask me if their reading will be good if it is done over the phone versus in person.  I am not sure why they think something as intangible as a psychic reading would be less effective on the telephone.

Being in person has nothing to do with the quality of your reading.  Telephone psychic readings can be even MORE effective than one done in person.


Why?  Because when you are in person your physical presence could:

  1. Reveal information to the reader.  Your facial expression, a slight shrug of the shoulder or a movement forward or backwards could all indicate to the psychic reader your agreement or disagreement with what is being said.  When you are physically present you are revealing more to the psychic, which can adversely influence the purity and clarity of your messages.
  2. Distract the reader’s concentration.  Psychic work requires deep, deep, deep trance like concentration.  The physical presence of the client can influence this concentration.  Many people do not realize that psychic reading is done while in a trance state.  If your psychic does not deeply concentrate for you, then you are not getting what you are supposed to get.  Concentration is everything.
  3. Energetically interfere with a pure connection to spirit.  The less you are physically present the more spirit can be present.   If the client is in the room with me, I have to work a bit harder to shield from your physical energy to talk to spirit.  But I am a highly sensitive person, which is what you want for a psychic.


Another consideration to include when trying to find quality telephone psychic readings is what kind of reader are you choosing.

If you are choosing someone who works for one of the big online services you are going to find they are usually not tuning into you.  They usually are

  1. Burned out.
  2. Impersonal.  They work with so many people after a while a wall goes up protecting their energy so they can survive.
  3. Going to treat you like a number not a person.

This simply goes with the territory of doing online telephone readings.  It just gets to be too much after about one to ten clients in a row.  A highly sensitive good psychic who tunes into your energy is going to find this very very difficult to do on a regular basis.

I know because I did work for some of the big ones for a short time.  I worked for Kasamba, Keen and Psychic Source.

It was very hard for me to tune in the right way with a psychic telescope into your soul.  This is how I work.

This is why I have great Testimonials.  It is because I focus focus focus deeply on you, finding telephone psychic readings and Skype the best way to do this over in person sessions.

So if you want someone to really pay attention to you, have a deep focused trance like concentration on you, if you want to get personalized attention and the best help available today, a telephone psychic reading with an independent professional is the way to go.


Spirit Medium Laura

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