The POWER of DOING NOTHING: The Remarkable Power of Doing Absolutely Nothing. You can have ANYTHING you desire, if you learn how to let go to get it.
The POWER of DOING NOTHING: The Remarkable Power of Doing Absolutely Nothing.
The Spiritual Law of Least Effort. In Vedic Science, the age-old philosophy of India, this principle is known as the principle of economy of effort, or “do less and accomplish more.” Ultimately you come to the state where you do nothing and accomplish everything.
—Adapted from The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, by Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen Publishing and New World Library, 2004). (Taken from
Who would have thought that DOING NOTHING could be the MOST powerful, miraculous thing you could ever do to obtain more healing to happiness in your life?
Are you a believer that if you want something you have to define the heck out of it, visualize it to death, act on it to frenzy to finally reap it in reality?
I always worked hard to get what I wanted in life. Work. Work. Work. I never believed things actually come easiest if I could just learn to LET GO if even for a little while.
But my dear friends if you are working your dream to death you are preventing the universe to work on your behalf to deliver your dear desires to your doorstep. Just as this last alliterative line slipped from me to paper fluidly without effort so is the way life should.
The POWER of DOING NOTHING: Working too hard at anything will prevent it from happening.

I am certain you have heard the adage of a couple that wants to have a baby, working very hard at it, cannot conceive. Then when they adopt a child, they suddenly get pregnant.
Same in my life. I had worked very hard to get ahead in a corporate job I had in the past. After five years of having one manager, I was assigned to a new one.
He, for some reason, singled me out. No matter what I did he followed my actions as if he was hunting for a failure in me.
This made me very agitated as I had worked in my position with only five star out of five star performance reviews thus far. As well, I had accrued a sizeable fortune in stock options, which I was just about to collect.
If this new manager had his way I could lose the fruits of all the effort I had put forth for the last five years.
Frantically I sought a solution. Finally I found a Minister ordained by Science of Mind, now called Center for Spiritual Living. Dr. Wayne Dyer and Rev. Louise Hay teachings come from this Center.
I wanted metaphysical counseling. I wanted to know what I could DO to neutralize the threat of this new manager on my career.
The Minister I found surprised me. Instead of counseling me to go do this and that in a frenzy, he taught me how to do nothing. He taught me how to meditate.
He would have me sit with him first for five minutes, then in each successive session for a longer amount of time, teaching me how to do mindful meditation.
With each successive week I became more peaceful, centered and fearless. I became powerful.
He would not let me talk about the “problem” I was having, wisely knowing it would only make it larger, the more I focused on defining it!
After about five to six weeks of doing nothing, although I felt more peaceful, I was wary that anything had been done to fix this problem.
Then one day I showed up for work and learned my disastrous manager had been reassigned to another team out removed from my path of destruction! I was safe, protected and again moving forward on course.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! What joy, what jubilation, what relief!
The POWER of DOING NOTHING: What is the take away from this?
The takeaway is the more you talk about your problem, or problems, the greater they become, because you are defining them to the universe for creation!
Who would have ever thought this was happening when we talk about our problems?
The universe is like a powerful restaurant. You define a problem and it thinks it is an order to deliver to you promptly. It does not judge if the meal is good or bad for you.
The POWER of DOING NOTHING: The universe does not censor your thoughts. It fulfills them!
Learning how to define what you want carefully, asking for it intensely, then getting very quiet, passive indeed, doing nothing, will ultimately render to you that SOMETHING YOU DESIRE!
Learning how to meditate and doing it daily is integral in this process. Here is a great video on how to do mindful meditation. I hope you like it.
Remember each day you begin to worry, talk about your problems, try to take action to fix them, you are merely creating more problems. The universe creates impartially according to your directives.
Here is a video on the creation process of manifesting by my favorite luminary of the moment, Dolores Cannon.
You might be wondering how does The JOY Secret interact with these concepts? Simple.
When you get in touch with what you really want following The JOY Secret steps, you will begin to be led, synchronicities will occur.
The JOY Secret does say to take action, but remember, at times being passive is just if not more important than being active. The universe needs a vacuum in which to create something new.
So if you are using The JOY Secret embed some down time into the process to just do nothing!
Spirit Medium Laura