If you are not getting something you really, really think you need and want, maybe your soul purpose is having a say in it.
Last night went out to a party. I met a man who had no money but was highly educated, interesting, Buddhist and spiritual. Since he was kind of cute I decided to speak to him a while.

We had a wonderful time talking. He explained he would like to see me again, but had no money to take me out on a wine and dine kind of date. I said, “Well, that is alright.”
Then I realized if I paid for myself on a date, I could really be myself with him. I had not realized how disempowering it had been for me to think I desired a partner who would provide for me.
One of the things I have been really confused about my whole life is the conflict between finding my own power and expression or being cared for financially by a man. Obviously it does not have to be either or, but if you do not have to support yourself financially it is so easy to relax into an inauthentic role for yourself.
SOUL PURPOSE: Your soul’s agenda is the most powerful part of your life.
The setup is to conform to the dictates of the person with the money or to simply get complacent as you wonder why you feel so empty.
Guess it depends on the situation, but for the most part I believe the real gift is to go out, earn your own money and become who you are meant to be, not a pretty flower on someone’s mantle.
So when I met this man who was so “rich” in so many ways, except financially, I realized, “Gosh, I could really be FREE with him. I could be myself. I could have fun!” I would not have to shut down expression of who I am to conform to a societal role of supportive partner to be around him.
When we are conforming to a societal role we are not being our authentic self. Our authentic self is our soul. The power of this expression will lead you to the energetic alignment of higher frequencies.
SOUL PURPOSE: Higher Frequencies Appear Miraculous From An Earth Perspective.
At higher vibrations, cause and effect operate as one. Physical reality is more easily shifted. Intentions happen instantaneously. If you want to get something raise your frequency first.
Ironically, however, when you raise your vibration your intentions will probably be different.
And so the universe, on course, doing its work, had answered me. As I asked for my soul mate every day in my meditation, it showed me what I needed to correct. I needed a man who would “see” me, support me and like me for me.
I did not need a man who would provide for me financially, if I “got with his program.” Of course each person is different. Each “truth” is unique to each soul’s agenda.
In summary, if you are not getting what you want it is because there is a duality within yourself. When you erase duality, when your ego aligns with your soul’s agenda, you become a magnet of attraction!
SOUP PURPOSE: Joy is deeper.
The joy your soul will bring you is far deeper and more satisfying than any ego goal you could ever attain, AND you will have the energy of the universe in your sails to attain it. You will magnetically pull it to you, rather than push to attain it. You will flow.
SOUL PURPOSE: Your soul brings you fulfillment, not your ego.
So if you have attained something in your life and you still feel empty, it is because you were attaining an ego goal, not a soul desire.
So how do you talk to your soul? How do you hear it? One way is to meditate and then ask for what you think you want. The universe will then begin to clarify for you what you really want, if you pay attention.
Another very powerful way is the Soul Purpose MAGIC Passion to Prosperity system. It is designed to align you with the power of your inner most desires so the effect is lasting, satisfying and fluid.
Happy Miracles!