HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT With Intuition (article below)

RSVP for Online Seminar, “How to Lose Weight With Intuition,” with Spirit Medium Laura on  5/21/14, 8-10pm.  $40.  Limited Seating.  Page with directions to join seminar HERE.   


You might think intuition is for “woo woo” types, or excuse the pun, light weights!  But using your intuition as a method to lose weight is very effective.

Snail Eating A Worm Video (Photo credit: JefferyTurner)

Why?  Well, intuition is the road map to our feelings.  Most of the time if we are overweight we are stuffing our self with food to stuff our feelings down to not feel empty, deprived or frustrated with our life. 

Finally, after many years of fat and thin clothes in my closet, I accidentally stumbled upon the fact that at the ripe age of 60, my weight had stabilized.  

Eating was no longer a way to soothe myself from unrequited desires.  Food had shifted from foe to friend.  I ate what I wanted, but I only wanted what I could enjoy! 

How did this happen?   I aligned with my passion.  I started filling my life with activities, people and places I enjoyed.  I began to LIVE my life instead of just exist through it.  

Do you think you over eat because you enjoy it?  I bet you do not.  Here is a test.  Sit down with your favorite dish.  Pile it high.  Then start eating.

Pay attention to how the food tastes, smells, feels as it enters your stomach.   Keep feeling your way through this ingesting until you notice you do not taste the food any longer, YET YOU ARE STILL WANTING TO EAT!

This should have happened after just a few bites.  Ha!  Isn’t that ironic?  We are not over eating because of passionate pleasure from the food.  We are over eating because of the compulsive habit to numb our feelings. 


Here is a system I use with clients to overcome the need to sooth through food.  It is called L.O.V.E., representing living a life you love, the only way to truly nourish yourself while on earth. 

L = Learn your biggest life problem and release it through awareness and powerful energy exercises.  If you are numbing yourself with food, it is because you are simmering on a volcano of pain in your life.  With powerful exercises this pain is discovered and released permanently. 

O = Open your passion, feel pleasure again.  What is your passion in life?   Is it really eating?  If it is you might find to your surprise that eating less will increase your pleasure with food even more!    On a deeper note, what is your life purpose?  What is your passion in life?  When you discover this and start adding it to your life, you will find food becomes supportive of this, not the main course. 

V= Vibrate at the frequency of love.  Learn to live a life you love.  Add more and more passionate, pleasurable things into it.  The more you do this and pay attention to how you feel when you do it (live intuitively) the better and better your life becomes.  Food becomes supportive of pleasure, not the main course.

E = Embrace a passionate, healthy life style.  Find a physical hobby you love and add it to your life on a regular basis.  Plan it into your schedule.  Stop depriving yourself of the joy of movement!    Add and eat the foods you really like to your life, eating them carefully, mindfully, absorbing all the pleasure they have with each slow intuitive bite.   Eat healthfully.  Higher fiber to fill you up.  Lower fat to burn down the calories.  Eat in little meals throughout the day to increase your metabolism.  DO NOT DIET!  Eating healthy whole foods will automatically set you to right weight.

Well, there you have it.  This is a simple, easy plan based on passion, pleasure and paying attention to your feelings.  It works best for long term ideal weight attainment and maintenance.

HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT With Intuition. 

I offer webinars and one on one coaching for this process.  Just contact me at 954 465 7338 or to learn more about how to achieve your ideal weight with pleasure, not pain!

Love & blessings,

Spirit Medium Laura


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