Take Back Your Power. Channeling on how to be the most powerful version of you for healthiest and happiest living.
“When you give your self what you want you become powerful.”
Ever meet a person who does not seem to feel empowered to bring themself what they need? Instead they try to gain their power through other people.
A great example of this is a person who seeks to marry into a wealthy family or climb up the corporate ladder through political maneuverings.
The idea they could actually bring to themself what they wanted through talent, effort and energy perhaps never even occurred to them.
I wondered, what possibly could motivate someone to act like this?

“The Cinderella complex was first described by Colette Dowling,[1] who wrote a book on women’s fear of independence – an unconscious desire to be taken care of by others. The complex is said to become more apparent as a person grows older.[2]” Taken from HERE.
The idea of no personal power came to mind.
The book above, “The Cinderella Complex,” although written in the 1980s is still relevant today, in how people attempt to get power through others.
Personal power cannot be gotten from another. You need to give it to yourself.
As I perused the Internet to get something that resonated for me, I could find nothing that offered me satisfaction on the concept of personal power.
Finally I decided to channel The Ones, my Spiritual Entities, to see what they had to say. I found this insight satisfying. Perhaps you will as well.

Channeled answer to question, “How does a person take back their power?”
The power syndrome is something those on earth experience or those in similar dimensions experience. It is an object you have created for your growth.
The power syndrome is about a lack of love.
When one feels disempowered they will attempt to steal love from others by acting out their deficiencies.
They will ask for what they do not need, just to see if they can get it.
So if you would like to step beyond the power syndrome, you can do so by acknowledging your own love deficiency.
When you realize you are seeking love, not power, you will begin to heal from being powerless.
Love is the answer to seeking dominion, control, power over others to get what you want or need.
When you love yourself more than anyone else can do for you, you have achieved your power.
How does one love themselves? Staring at yourself in a mirror and saying “I love you,” will not suffice.
It needs to be a day to day, hour to hour discipline, of checking in with yourself, how you feel and taking steps to express these feelings, bringing to yourself what you want or need.
At times there are those that try to get others to meet their needs. They do not feel powerful enough to do something for them self.
These types of power robbers are not alone in your world. There are many of them.
The answer is the same. Gain power by fulfilling love.
Do not ask for love. Be love. Love is a condition you can achieve by following these steps.
If you need something give it to yourself.
Do not wait for others to give it to you. Do it for yourself.
This is he highest achievement of love you can attain.
This then achieves the situation of personal power.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura

The answer makes sense to me, because I know someone who was manipulating me to do things for her, I believed she could do for herself. I felt violated.
This person did mention to me she has low self esteem, does not feel loved or worthy of love.
Bottom line – if she gave herself what she wanted instead of seeking to manipulate others to do it for her, she would find her personal power.
Having personal power delivers greater joy in your life.
It allows you to evolve beyond a power play to steal love, to a state of being love.
You evolve from a repeating karmic pattern of love deficiency to a higher realized state of love.
This allows you to step above the karmic Astral plane to the higher vibration of joy.
My Divine Pleasure Jennifer!
I needed this today. Thank you Laura