Take Back Your Power Meditation

Take Back Your Power Meditation (Clean and clear chakras, Renew Energy, Connect to source, Balance, Groundand Empower You)


Useful for:   Codependent relationships in which you feel drained.  Clears chakras, recharges your energy field.  Connects you to source.  It can release blocks to happiness and abundance, heal  the way you feel about yourself, balance your energy, and clear other people’s energy from yours (psychic vampires), heal codependent relationships, love yourself. 




  1.  Go into a deep theta meditation.  (Youtube.com has many meditation for 10 – 15 minutes which will help you get to this state.)


  1. Start with the root chakra.  Send red light through the chakras from front to back and back to front as if you were washing it clean.


  1. Do the same for each using the color for that chakra.

Root:  Red

Sacral:  Orange

Solar Plexus:  Yellow

Heart:  Green

Throat:  Royal Blue

Third Eye:  Violet

Crown:  White.


  1. At the crown, gather up white light above your head.  In one effort send this white light into the top of your head down through your body out your feet at the bottom.  You are washing all your chakras clear in this step.


  1. Next imagine you are gathering in white light from the earth and sending it up through your feet through your chakras out through the top of your head.


  1. Last step.  Imagine your body is so filled with this white light energy from the earth that it is now being transmitted through your skin creating your auric field, your statement of self to the universe, your power.


Do this three times or as many times as you feel is needed to regain a sense of self, balance, peace and empowerment.


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