Talking to Spirits: Chilling Evidence, Validation & Healing. When I connect to the other side I feel a deep sense of peace, calm and personal validation at being in the front seat to miracles.
Do you believe in the after life? I do.
When I first started doing mediumship it felt like I was one step removed from the spirit that talked through me. However, over years of doing this the communications have become so specific, easy and accurate that I can do only one thing.
Today I had one session so lucid, it left me feeling high. A lovely young woman from United Kingdom met with me via Skype.
Here is a Review she left for me on Google shortly after her session.
Margaret Ralston, 5 Stars, Google Review |
“Amazing reading. She is absolutely wonderful. Thank you Laura.” |
Before we connected I kept hearing her mother was waiting to talk to her from the otherside. “OK,” I thought, “let’s see who does show up.”
After making a psychic connection with the sitter, right away a woman in spirit stood before me. I could see her blond hair, short and curly, her rounded facial features.
Immediately I was taken to the throat of this woman in spirit. She explained how she had great difficulty breathing before she deceased. Sitter validated.
Woman in spirit shows me an inhaler used to help her breathe before she transitiones. Validated by sitter.
Then the mother went on to describe more of the issues surrounding her health, and finally how wonderful it was to leave her sickened body at transition.
It was freeing.
One of the things souls keep wanting to explain to sitters through me is how wonderful it is to die, to leave the body and enter the spiritual kingdom.
Most souls want to comfort those remaining on earth, to allow them to know that spirit is a wonderful place. They, the souls in spirit, do not want for anything.
As I continued with the sitting, the mother in spirit began to use my voice in the cadence and accent she had. I sat there, an innocent, obliging vessel for this to happen.
The mother gave the following evidence during the sitting, some of which made the sitter cry, or exclaim so pointed it was.
This was only a 15 minute sitting. All mentioned was validated.

- Correct name of her father and a distant aunt was given.
- Mother to sitter described her grandson, (sitter’s son) the oldest boy, taller than the siblings. He exhibited a high level of empathy, loving animals. Grandmother in spirit said he would want to help others in his life on earth.
- Mother in spirit told her daughter (sitter) than she was alone a lot and was finding this painful. Daughter began to cry because it was so true. Then mother in spirit told daughter that she would begin to write children’s books in the coming spring. Sitter exclaimed, drawing her hand to her mouth. She had written children’s books when she was a child!. Mother in spirit said this would alleviate her feeling of being so alone and develop into her life purpose. She would teach children how to develop their intuitive voice through her writings.
- Sitter asked if she had ever had a past life in the Tudor era of England’s past. Spirit told her she had been on Queen Anne’s court. Medium did not know if there was a Queen Anne during the Tudor era in England. Sitter explained there was indeed a Queen Anne and it was her favorite queen.
- Sitter asked if her mother was alright in spirit? Mother in spirit a bit frustrated by then, as much evidence had been presented already, exclaimed “you are wearing a ring on your finger I gave you!” as additional evidence. Sitter laughed, “Yes,” my mother gave me this ring and showed it to medium.
After this routine session was over, Spirit Medium Laura felt great.
When you are connecting so specifically with the other side all you can feel is a deep sense of peace, calm and personal validation at being in the front seat to miracles.
Spirit Medium Laura