TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION is very real. Learn how a medium practices it on a regular basis and how you can develop the ability yourself.
Yesterday I did it again. I had a telepathic communication.
I needed to hear from a friend who said he would call me by a certain time. Since I had not yet heard back from him at that time, I became a bit anxious.
Standing in my kitchen I focused on his name and image in my mind intensely. Then I asked spirit if he was going to have dinner that night at a particular restaurant he had mentioned.
I heard in my head, “no.”
Then I asked him to call me telepathically. This is done by again focusing intensely on the name and the image of the person you want to contact.
Then send to them from your mind to theirs the instructions or message you have. I find it better to ask them to do take action of some sort, as sending an “idea” seems to be ignored more often than not.
I said to him “Call me.” which is a concrete action.
Within 30 seconds my phone range. It was him.
He told me he was not going to be available for dinner that evening but suggested another date.
I laughed to myself. Telepathy is so great!
Here are some guidelines for you to use to try to get a telepathic response from someone.

- Meditate regularly to develop your mind instrument for clear focus and incisiveness.
- Use your third eye as often as possible. For example, try to sense a person’s age, how someone will act in a certain situation, where is a parking space when you are going somewhere, etc.
- Practice sending messages to people you know. Set up a time and place for them to be still to see if they receive anything.
- Only use Teletpathic Communication with people you know and are emotionally or psychically connected. It works best this way.
Being able to “talk” to people mind to mind is rather helpful and convenient. Although this may seem like science fiction it is very real.
MANIFESTING. If you begin to master telepathic communication you are developing your ability to manifest thoughts, desires and goals easier.
So not only can telepathy help you with communication, it can provide for you a more powerful psyche for mental projection to the universe to manifest your dreams.
Sending you healing love and light,
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