Imagine if you could send the person you just had an argument with a love message to make up or call you? Perhaps you have just gone through a breakup and want to get back with your love.
During the last FREE Psychic Messages radio show, we practiced telepathy. Brenda, my co-host, has a beautiful little white Maltese called Bunny.
Oddly enough Bunny likes to bark when we do the show. Go figure.

So rather than put that nasty collar that sends an electric shock if he barks, we decided to send Bunny a message telepathically.
We had the entire listening audience do this with us. We all relaxed in a deep breath, then at the count of three we all sent Bunny the same message, “Go sleep.”
Bunny did not bark once during the show! All were happy.
This illustrates how to communicate using our mind, not our mouth.
Imagine if you could send the person you just had an argument with a love message to make up or call you? Perhaps you have just gone through a breakup and want to get back with your love.
Or imagine you are a mother with an out of control teenager, who would like to let your child know how much you love them and to cooperate with you.
There are nonverbal ways to connect. In Psychic School we will be learning how to send information packets (balls of energy) loaded with a visual symbol. If you would like to learn how to do this attend by going here.
If you’d rather practice at home, here are the basic steps.
1. Get a group of friends together who are sympathetic to your cause.
2. Get everyone into a deep meditative state.
3. Then have everyone focus on the message you want to send telepathically. Make it simple and short.
4. Imagine each friend is collecting energy from the air and creating an energy basketball in front of their face.
5. Count to three. Have them inject the message into the ball.
6. Throw the ball into the third eye of the receiving party.
7. Do this several times. The longer the better.
8. It could be helpful to use a picture of the person to which you are sending the message to help envision their third eye.
Learn how to do telepathy in the “See” Spirit Psychic Class this Sunday by going here to RSVP.