TELEPATHIC CONNECTION. Heal relationships by using telepathy. Clear negative energy which blocks healthy relationships.

Here are a few of many examples of telepathic connection I have had with others.

  1. CLIENT PAYMENT. A client hadn’t paid me for a while. I spent about 30 seconds in focused connection with her asking she make the payment. About two minutes later she called me stating she was sorry she had not paid and was making the payment then.
  2. ESTRANGED LOVE INTEREST. I sent a telepathic message to a boyfriend to call me. He did the next day to make up.
  3. SISTER MAKE UP. I used the telepathic light meditation described below to my sister to heal a conflict we were having. Next day she called me, happy, bright and ready to rumble.

In this article I reveal a telepathic method to heal relationships derived from the latest scientific research about the way the universe works based on the work of Lynne McTaggart.

One of the most important things she has done in my opinion is provide evidence that nonverbal communication is real. Her work demonstrates how we telepathically connect within the quantum field using quantum entanglement.

She is a well known journalist, writer and teacher on subjects related to the science of consciousness. One of her most fascinating books, “The Intention Experiment,” scientifically demonstrates that thought can change how a plant grows.

The plant sent the intention did grow larger by a distinct amount.

Learn more about how you can manifest intentions like a master from Lynne’s research. Go HERE.

One of the things Lynne’s work reminded me of, actually demonstrates, is that when we have a thought, it really does CREATE REALITY.

This is not a “woo woo” philosophy. Her work proves it!

Telepathic Connection to Heal Relationships

Ever since the beginning of this calendar year, 2021, my relationships had been in a downward spiral.

Everyone I knew did something to disappoint or disturb me. It was uncanny. I felt like I was a negatively charged rod sending fire everywhere!

Then one morning an old friend called me. I began to complain about how down I felt about all of this. Before I knew it she was telling me what was wrong with me, what I needed to do to change my life and told me I needed to stop screaming.

Now I laugh at this. I think my negativity inspired her without her or even I knowing it.

I suddenly realized how I was the one spreading the FIRE!

I did not create the fire. There had been real transgressions towards me. However, I was the one spreading the fire, so had the responsibility to stop it.

So, I created a simple telepathic meditation right away and did it.

After doing it for two days, my sister, who was one of subjects of this meditation, called me, acting nice, kind and happy towards me.

Prior to the meditation we had been at odds due to a conflict I was in with her husband.

This is what I did. You can use these steps yourself to telepathically send healing intention to another for realization.

If you do not get a healing right away, no worries. This type of a meditation is changing your vibration, what you emit to the world.

As you shift your vibration to a healthier, happier you, your experiences with others will shift as well. There are many multi layered benefits to doing this type of meditation.

The primary one is to shift your energy so you shift your experiences.

Steps to Use Telepathic Connection to Heal Relationships

  1. Identify to whom you want to send relationship healing. Create a list if you have a number of people, but only do one relationship a day, as this requires a lot of mental and emotional focus to correctly complete.
  2. Get into a meditative state of mind. Here is a good meditation to use for this.
  3. Imagine a dark stage in front of you. Now imagine a bright white spotlight appears from above, create a circle of light on the stage.
    • Image the person, situation, or thing (PST) you desire healing with in the middle of this stage.
    • Send this PST a strong beam of white light through to clear negativity.
    • Send next a pink light through which is universal love.
    • Send this PST then a green light through which is healing.
    • Now send this person a positive intention, like they receive exactly what they want or need in their life right now.
    • Now remove this PST and place yourself in the center of the stage.
    • Do the same steps for yourself.
    • Next, imagine both you and that PST are on the stage together immersed in a cloud of white light. This is a universal telepathic message to clear negativity.
    • Now draw your attention to your chest center.
    • Imagine there a ball of green light.
    • Send this light out from your chest to the PST.
    • Imagine the PST is accepting this light and sending it back to you.
    • Now change the color to pink. Do the same light exchange.
    • Now change the color to any other color you feel to send and exchange it.
    • At this point mentally have a conversation with the PST, sending your healing intention. If this is a person you might be drawn to ask for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness, reflect on your love of this person, feel love as appropriate, etc.
  6. RESULTS. You might feel a shift inside yourself, a tenderness, a sense of kindness, warmth, understanding or deep love, depending on the PST.
  7. STILL UPSET? At times you may have a PST for whom you are still angry or even like you do not want to make amends. Still do this exercise to release the negative charge around it for yourself.

NEGATIVE CHARGES in relationships create new relationships that are negative. They spread like viruses.

This is why it is extremely important to be scrupulously clean in your relationship energy with people AND any conditions in your life.

You can use this exercise to clear negative relationships you have with money, love and health conditions in your life. It is very flexible.

I noticed that I was still angry with one of the people with whom I did this telepathic meditation. I continued on a daily basis anyway.

Finally the negative charge went away. I no longer felt angry when I did the meditation.

This is extremely valuable because as mentioned above, any negative emotional energy you have towards others, will come back to you in new forms and new ways in other relationships.

In the lighter vibration of the Ascension this is amplified and especially true!

Be sure to keep your relationship energy clear by using your telepathic ability to heal and clear it.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private telepathic healing session with Laura at

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