There are so many ways one can experience blocked abundance. One very over looked way is the pervasive fear racial persecution can create. Yes, you heard right, racial persecution. Whether it evidences as religious, gender, sexual preference or race, the result is the same.
There are so many ways one can experience blocked abundance. One very over looked way is the pervasive fear racial persecution can create. Yes, you heard right, racial persecution. Whether it evidences as religious, gender, sexual preference or racial, the result is the same. Fear.

Recently a client came to me to work with her spiritual team for healing. The client’s abundant flow was blocked due to fear. She wanted to connect to her heart chakra, which is the seat or portal to abundance.
However, she was stuck in her head, to protect herself from wanting anything. She literally was fearful of wanting.
When an entire group of people is persecuted for religion as in the Holocaust, those that survive hold within them a post traumatic stress so pervasive it passes from generation to generation.
We, who work with energy and believe in larger systems than just the physical, realize there is more to this than just what is left on earth. There is the consciousness of torture which is mirrored back to earth.
This creates a haze about earth of negativity. It is not washed clean just because it ended physically on earth. It pervades the ether, the consciousness of those that live on earth, those that have deceased and as well the collective unconscious.
This energy is there to be used in the experience of those souls that desire to cleanse of its fearful duality. Such was my client.
She had chosen at a soul level to be the third generation of holocaust survivors, in order to experience the duality of fear. The holocaust was not over. She was living in its mirror.
During our session her spiritual team came to point out the causes of her fear to desire or to want anything. As well, spirit revealed how to go about cleansing herself of this block.

The major tool recommended was forgiveness. She was to forgive all racial and religious persecution done to her family, all people at all times in the past present and future. She was to forgive herself and ask others to forgive her, for any harm she had done.
Such a technique is extremely cathartic. It will release everything over time. You might begin to experience rage at various “safe” times during your day as you relieve yourself of conscious and unconscious abuses, guilt, hurt, anger and any other emotions of duality.
Time will show her healing.
This article is written to all so they may understand themselves better and take from it any insights that can be healing.
Here is a good reference article related to this subject. Holocaust Survivors and Their Children: A Search for Positive Effects by Fara Kaplan:
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, The Spiritual Millionaire Coaching, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Spiritual Millionaire Business Blueprint coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.