The devil is real. Are you feeling negative, lost, alone, afraid? Learn how to correct this opening in your energy with LOVE.
Wow. This morning I closed my eyes and asked spirit what I should write about. They said, “The DEVIL Is REAL.”
Maybe they said this because last week I had a client who said she had contact with negative entities.
I did not believe in this in the past, but have come to believe, because spirit has validated clients’ claims about negative entities during sessions.
I have absolute faith in my connection to spirit and its accuracy after years of testing it. If spirit says something, I believe it and accept it now, completely, no matter how odd it may seem at the time.
At times I have clients who do not know me, nor do they trust in spirit, so they may question the words from spirit.
If this is you, DON’T. When they speak their messages are ALWAYS correct, no matter how strange the advice may sound at the time.
As well, it is important to note that messages that are loving and positive are from God, while those that are not, are from a negative space and not to be trusted.
I think also since I am sick again with that nasty illness I used to get, a lagging respiratory infection going on two weeks now, I know spirit wants me to explore my own negativity.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I am now going to do some channeling on this utilizing the connection to spirit that comes through. I know a connection is ready now to provide an important message for all.
I can feel it.

Channeling Begins
Dear Spirit Guides can you please illuminate us on what you mean by “The DEVIL Is REAL?”
There is a conglomeration of souls we call the DEVIL. These are souls which started out such as all from the light, however, through iterations of being sad, lonely, negative, and through not being able to resuscitate their connection to the light, they became weak and parasitic.
So negative energy DOES indeed exist.
These souls can enter your subconscious if you let them. They are always challenging your mind and how you think.
They can be collectively called the DEVIL and they are always seeking out those weaker than them, younger than them and negative like them.
If you are in a negative thinking pattern you have allowed them in.
This is to be honored for as you progress through your own lament of living on earth, you will create them in your mind.
You will fuel them, their agenda. They can take your mind over and give you more negativity than you could create on your own.
Misery loves company.
So be extremely vigilant in your thought management. Do not let others make you afraid, or bring you down.
If there are others in your life that for some reason you do not feel energized after speaking with them, or they upset you in some subtle way, you need to release them from your life, for they will further the cause of the DEVIL.
We do not mean to send you into a fear space. We simply mean that if you are unhappy, you need to clear it by starting first with your own thinking and your own opening to others.
If you allow people into your light that upset you, you are forwarding the purpose of the Devil.
If you allow yourself to go down rather than up in your thinking you are allowing the DEVIL to talk to you.
Those souls that are in negative space will seek you out and use your weakness, temporary or permanent to energize themselves.
How do you know if this is happening to you?
First, look at your life. Are you unhappy? This is a major sign that the DEVIL has made some contact and progress with you.
Next look at your heart. Is it upset about something that keeps repeating?
Are you ill? Do you feel weak, sad, alone and afraid?
These are all the signs that the negative has attracted to you trying to bring you down further.
What do to about this?
Ask for help from us, from GOD, as it were. We are here to help you be positive in your thinking and in your life plan.
All negativity needs to be replaced with HOPE, with faith and with love.
Love yourself and others, even those who have hurt you, for in doing this with forgiveness, you will elevate your vibration and your ability to heal yourself and heal the entire universal love vibration.
We are here to guide and lead you. We love you. We care about you.
Please call upon us when you are feeling negative or sad.
There is no sadness with God. There is only love.
Universal Mind of God through Spirit Medium Laura.
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