(Alpha Omega Light beings transmission 10/3/10)
When you begin to let go of fear in your life you no longer need to insulate yourself with excess weight, or other things which nurture and support your soul. Your soul no longer needs to be supported for you will be living as your soul when you align with love.
As you know love is the absence of fear. It is a way for you to be whole and to live in the now. Love is your soul speaking to you about what you are, what you want and who you need. Your soul is your authentic voice.
- Image via Wikipedia
It will never mislead you. It is truth. Your soul is your gateway to infinite mind which supports and produces results in your life.
When you are creating something new in your life you are living as your soul. Do you understand this?
Your soul is your gateway to infinite intelligence. It is your intuition as well.
The more you relax into your infinite intelligence, your intuition, the more you will be led in life to your higher purpose, to your joy.
The basic way to do this is to live more mindfully. Pay attention how you feel in the moment. Relax into it.
When you relax into a situation that is making you unhappy, you begin to release it. The technique to do this is called “Let Go and Let God.”
Yes, you release it with love. You love that which is hurting you or making you unhappy. You literally send it love.
The more you get in touch with your feelings and send your pain love, the more joyful you become. Your life begins to take on a new light and focus. You become joy centered rather than hurt centered. You begin to relax into your life living it with a new freedom.
You are no longer as concerned with controlling everything. You realize that if you relax more you will be led more. The more you follow your intuitive leads in life the more the doors open to your purpose and the greater your success in life will become.
So the lesson for today is to focus on joy more and you will find your life will take on magic.
God Bless.
Attend the Psychic Open House this Tuesday 10/5/10 to begin learning how to focus on joy more. Details/registration here.
I’m blown away! Your blog has really made me think. I think I will tweet about your blog.
Thank you.
Excellent statement: “The more you get in touch with your feelings and send your pain love, the more joyful you become.”
Thanks for the beautiful reminder….
Very nice transmission, Laura. I too, needed to be reminded of all this today.
Many Blessings,