The Magic Of Letting Go (Channeled Message)

The Spiritual Law of Compensation states that if you act as if something already happened then you will have it. This allows you to let go of something so it can come back to you. It works like a boomerang. You ask for health and then you get busy living as if you were healthy already.

Did you know that it is good to let go of control?  That when you try to control something you are really getting in the way of getting what you really, really want?

Yes this is so.  The reason this is so is because when you are trying to control something you will find it evades you more and more.  It is like an elusive butterfly.  It just tries to fly away.


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In life the best way to get what you want is to let go of trying to find it.  Yes you must be vigilant in your instructions to the universe that you are seeing yourself with this or that.  However, you should take not one step to attain it.


Instead send to the universe that you see yourself with this thing or experience in your life as in visualizing it or asking for it in prayer.  The prayer must be a prayer giving thanks that you have it already.  You must see it for yourself, as in your life, right now. 

Then you simply go about your business of everyday living and life.  If you take one step, and we mean one step to try to control the outcome of what you just affirmed for yourself, you will be sending to the universe another message.  That message is that you do not believe you deserve it or can have it.

Do you understand how saying that you do not have it will not bring it?  It is so.

When you say that you do have it and then simply go about your day to day living and experience of life you will have it.  This is the law of compensation.

The Spiritual Law of Compensation states that if you act as if something already happened then you will have it.   This allows you to let go of something so it can come back to you.  It works like a boomerang.  You ask for health and then you get busy living as if you were healthy already.

Then suddenly one day you are healthy. 

Same thing is true for love.  If you want love but are complaining to your friends that you do not have it and are going out to try to find it you are saying to the universe you do not deserve it because you do not believe you can attract it.

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 But if you simply say, “Thank you,” to the universe for providing that special someone, then go about your life as if you already had it, you will have it.  It will float into your life unexpectedly as if you have placed it on mail order.

So the key is to let go and let God work for you.

To act like you already have love before you have it takes some steps.  For example, you must stop trying to find love.  Yes, that might sound counterintuitive but as soon as you let go of trying to find love and just know you have it, it will come in the door to you.

When you have love how do you feel?  Do you feel happy, content, complete?  Well, if this is the case, then you will have love as soon as you start to feel peaceful, just as you are happy and complete.

Then as you go about your life in this blissful state you will attract in your counterparts for love.  Remember, though, that you must keep affirming that you have it already.

God bless.


 NOTE:  If you would like help in creating miracles in your life Laura is available for private psychic coaching at (954) 465-7338 or email at .  To order the ebook on creating miracles go here. 

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