My phone rang. A girlfriend was calling to discuss an abusive relationship in which she was stuck. As she talked I began to remember one in which I had remained far too long in my own life.
When our conversation ended I felt drained, sad and inferior.
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I was just about to begin preparing to teach a class on Channeling Love when the phone rang. My spiritual guides had told me I was to teach this as part of the Intuitive Miracle curriculum.
I knew very well how to teach channeling of light beings and other non-physical entities, but love, well that was different.
“How the heck do you channel love,” I thought? I was supposed to teach it and knew spirit would tell me how to do it. No sooner did I have this thought then the answer was sent to me at light speed.
The lesson began with that maddening phone call. After the call ended, as I sat at my desk feeling miserable, I noticed a client just unsubscribed to my mailing list. She had been disgruntled with a message I had provided her earlier in the week. This further upset me.
I read another email which invited me to join a mailing list. I interpreted this as “nervy.” Before you knew it, I was in a downward spiral. I grappled for the phone to call a friend to share my upset. No answer.
Luckily for this delay, I was able to step back and realize my vibration needed to be raised. Dumping on a friend would not be the answer. I had to align with a Higher Power.
I asked my spirit guides what to do. After following their instructions, I began to feel centered, calm and joyful again. As I sat there the phone rang.
A little miracle was demonstrated.
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- Image by NightRPStar via Flickr
The phone call was from a new introduction wanting a reading. He had been referred by an existing client who had sent several others to me and loved my work.
I went back to the email that upset me and re-read it. I realized it actually was quite pleasant and friendly. Right after that, three new people joined my mailing list.
I received another email from a client thanking me profusely for a reading I had given her earlier in the week. My vibration had been shifted as did the events I was attracting.
Keep your vibration high. You will be quite thankful you did.
NOTE: Learn how to shift your vibration. Contact Laura for private Intuitive Miracle consultation. She can be reached at 9954) 465-7338 or email at