THE OTHER SIDE: What’s the Other Side Like. This is a transcript of The Ones channeled through me on my radio show 5/20/15. Out of the blue they decided to explain to the listeners what the other side is like to help those who had loss of a loved one.
Little did I know it, but later the switchboard was filled only with people who wanted an other side connection. The show supports both psychic messages as well as mediumship. The Ones knew this show was going to have mostly those that wanted other side connections. So their message this day was focused on that.
A link to that radio show is below.

We do not try to control anyone on earth. We help you with your energy we help you attain things in life that you would like including healing. There are many in the audience that need healing, not just healing about your own life but healing from loss.
Many lost people that you care about in a transition to the spirit world. Today we will talk a bit about the spirit world and then we will talk a little bit about your own lives.
The spirit world is a wonderful delightful place. You should do not think that when you leave earth you will find it to be lacking. Iit is colorful and bright as any clear day that you could imagine from your experience on Earth.
There are many more dimensions however to your existence in spirit world. You can have at your disposal anything that you would like.
You can go into other dimensions that you’ve read about heard about. Yes there are beings from other planets. You may visit with them depending on your own evolution, your own consciousness and your own ability to be in those dimensions.
We cannot say that you would have access to everything. Some of you would prefer to stay in the spirit world in locations energetically similar to earth. Others of you would like to be in new places and have adventure.
So when you enter the spirit world you have access to all of these things. Those who come in through the medium are not in a place different than you. They actually are showing themselves as they were on Earth from the spirit world.
However they would be different in the spirit world. They do not show how they are in the world of spirit. Energetically they would be different. In other words when you transition to spirit each of you will no longer have a body. You will no longer look a certain way, except the way you care to present.
You’ll have complete control and discretion as to what you would like to represent to others in the spirit world as well as to those on earth.
THE OTHER SIDE: What’s the Other Side Like.
Everybody that is allowed in today during the sessions and mediumship has come in protected space and light. They are not allowed to come in portraying anything other than what they were on earth. They’re not allowed to come in and harm you. They are not allowed to come in as a jokester or prankster.
We control the session for Laura.
In any event we just thought it might be interesting for you to hear about the spirit world a bit today as each time we come we will be bringing you different pieces of evidence about your world and about how you can create your world.
We promise we will talk to you a little bit about your own lives as well. We will talk to you just for a moment because we know you’re eager to get heard today directly.
When you transition all the actions that you did on earth will come with you so remember to be loving, to be kind, to be patient with yourself as well as others and if you are so lucky as to learn how to create your life the way you would like it as we mentioned in the garden you will bring that consciousness with you to spirit as well.
This means that you would have evolved and have a higher vibrational level which would give to you more awareness, more joy and more bliss.
THE OTHER SIDE: What’s the Other Side Like. . Watch this channeling here at 9.5 minutes into the video here: