The Power of Eight Groups. Lynn McTaggart, a Science of Spirituality Journalist, created The Power of Eight Groups to effectively manifest intention.
The Power of Eight Groups by Lynn McTaggart
“Lynne McTaggart … is the author of six books, including The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of 8, and is the co-creator of the alternative medicine magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You. According to her author profile, she is a spokesperson ‘on consciousness, the new physics, and the practices of conventional and alternative medicine.'” Taken from HERE.
By studying the steps she outlines in her Power of Eight Steps you can access this field of creation (Zero Point Field – ZPF) to manifest and heal. If you do the steps with a friend or in a group your results are amplified.
I have created a Manifest Intention Divine Healing Circle inspired by the Power Of 8 groups from Lynn McTaggart in my meetup, SOUL ABUNDANCE. Check the schedule HERE to see when I am running the next circle.

SETUP: Power of 8 Groups
These steps are Spirit Medium Laura’s interpretation of a Power of 8 Group. They should be done before beginning the actual healing in next section.
- PARTICIPANTS. These steps are best done in a group of 6 to 12 people, but could also be done in a larger or smaller group, with one Manifest Intention partner or by yourself. A group magnifies results.
2. TIMER. Have a timer ready for the actual healing steps below.
3. INTENTION. Everyone participating in the group should create a specific intention to manifest. Example: “I have completely healed from the accident I was in. I can now walk, exercise, play tennis and dance without any pain. I am so grateful. (Be specific).”
4. SHARE. Share your INTENTION in the Skype Chat. This sharing does two things. First it helps group choose the healing target for the circle. As well, it states your intention into the circle’s healing power so everyone in this group receives a healing too.

5. CHOOSE HEALING TARGET. Group now chooses one person (Healing Target) to focus on for the healing. This choice should be based on how critical the need. (Ex. One person is in critical condition in the hospital after a car accident. Another person wants to make a lot of money because they like luxury. Who needs the healing the most?)
6. MOVIE. Healing Target with help of group creates a movie visualization for the chosen intention. Here is an example.
Let’s say the group chooses someone who had a severe back injury and is now having difficulty walking. The movie for this could be visualizing this person walking, dancing and playing tennis smiling happy and pain free for six hours on a Saturday one week from now.
7. CREATE SYMBOL. Healing Target and Group create a symbol for this healing. Ex. Healing Target running!
8. DEFINE FEELINGS. Define the feelings you have when your intention is manifested. You might feel ecstatic joy and energy. You will need these feelings when doing the steps below.

STEPS: Power of Eight Groups to Manifest Intention
Do the Setup Above before doing these steps.
Do with a group of 6 to 12 people, a friend or alone once a week or month. If you are not getting results try working on another person’s intention. This can shift your energy.
1. SET TIMER for 8 minutes or longer.
2. MEDITATION MUSIC. Play meditation music. HERE is one I like.
3. MAKE CONNECTION. Imagine you have a blossoming rose at your heart chakra in the middle of your chest. Imagine your rose is now floating out of your heart chakra on a golden cord into the chest of the healing target. You are now connected to the target.
3. STATE INTENTION. Chosen person states desired Intention in detail. (You should have chosen your intention before doing the steps.)
4. VISUALIZATIONS. Group leader (the person leading the Manifest Intention Circle) leads these visualizations for all participants in healing circle.
4a. Healing Target describes this happening in a movie. (The chosen healing target describes his or her movie. This should have been created in the Setup above. )
4b. Healing Target Visualizes the symbol for this intention. (The chosen healing target describes his or her symbol. This should have been created in the Setup above.)
4c. Group visualizes this symbol moving from their head to heart center, where there is a large crystal pulsing with rainbow colors of light.
4d. Group visualizes placing this symbol in this crystal.
4e. Group feels what it feels like to have the desired outcome.
4f. Group visualizes the crystal exploding like a supernova of energy out 360 degrees in all directions to infinity sending your desired outcome with it.
5. SIT IN THIS INTENTION. Group sits in this intention, feeling it for the remainder of the 8 minutes. You can just be in this energy as well.
6. DISCUSSION. Group discusses anything they felt, got or received during the healing meditation.

Regular Practice
You can do this alone or with a friend about once a week or regularly. It magnifies the power of this.
If you are working alone on this and NOT getting results try working on another person’s healing. If you do not get results it is because you are getting in your own way, perhaps fearful it will not or cannot happen. Fear will block results. When you focus on another person’s intention you release your fearfulness so the universe can deliver.
Well, there you have it, The Power of Eight method to access the quantum field of creation to materialize goals in your life.
Spirit Medium Laura