The Soul Mate Spray Is Working!!!???

Within five days of my using the Soul Mate Spray, a brilliantly formulated plant essence product from Canada, my estranged soul mate called me! This was after two years of a torturous break up, finally ending with my having to call the police to tell him to leave me alone.

Who would have believed it?

Within five days of my using the Soul Mate Spray, a brilliantly formulated plant essence product from Canada, my estranged soul mate called me!  This was after two years of a karmic break up, finally ending with my having to call the police to tell him to leave me alone.

I did not want to get rid of him, but it seemed we never could heal.  It was “leave me alone” or I would expire.

Somehow or other he was so desperate to connect with me he disregarded the police request of 8 months earlier and did so anyway.  Maybe it was the energy of the Soul Mate Spray.

He asked for a favor.  He wanted me to connect with his mother who was dying.  He needed healing with her as that relationship had not been very good.

At first I resisted.  I told him to go to another medium.

However, at the same time I was reading “Dying to Be Me,” by Anita Moorjani.  After reading about the healing of unconditional love, I softened.

As soon as I did his mother came to me.  She had just passed that morning (unbeknownst to me), and revealed some compelling evidence.

My ex was impressed.  He thanked me profusely.  Then he contacted me a week later to thank me again.

We both had a “heart to heart” and he called me his soul mate!  That was the first time he ever said that to me.  He said he was not calling me to come back to me.  He simply wanted to heal too.

Voila!  Healing.  I was not completely healed, but it was a step, a big step in the right direction.

Then to make the story even juicier, about ten days after that my friend Brenda Elizabeth wanted to go out to socialize.  She was rather insistent on it, as I almost cancelled.

On the way to the location to meet her, I serendipitously met a new possible love interest!  As I accidentally traveled down the wrong street, he flagged me to say it was a dead end.  Before you knew it we were connecting socially.

Then two different friends each suggested within one week’s time I meet someone they knew as a prospective partner!  All these opportunities arose after the healing.

Then another friend decided it was time she joined an Internet dating site.  I followed the lead.  Two days later, one of the first men that contacted me online was appealing.  We liked each other immediately. 

But the real zinger was, I found our his last name is DiLaura!   My first name is Laura!   I thought that was strange.   The relationship did turn out to be a mirror to see what I want in a partner. 

I continue to attract new possible mates, having fun on dates and feeling I have finally opened the gates to love again. 

I think these shifts are due in large part to the Soul Mate Spray combined with another product called Manifestation Essence from the same manufacturer.  As well, I am using an incredibly powerful inner affirmations technique spirit channeled to me.  This technique uses the eyes to connect instantly to theta for powerful “mind” creation.   

If you are interested in the sprays, ordering information is listed below.   They are very inexpensive by the way, like under $30 for each.

Much love,


Soul Mate Spray.  Go here.  Please mention “Laura Mendelsohn Order” in comments field of order for proper handling.  

Manifest Essence.  This product helps you manifest your deepest dreams for this lifetime.  It works!   Please mention “Laura Mendelsohn Order” in comments field of order for proper handling.   



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One thought on “The Soul Mate Spray Is Working!!!???”

  1. Trees do their magic as we let them work though us. Vibration is everywhere and when the connection from the essences resonate within us, all that is natural and out deepest brith right, natually happens. Soul Mate Spray bring people together as the heart calls for true love. Thank you for sharing.
    Celine Cloutier co founder of cfte. Practitioner~Mediator.

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