Tips for Manifesting Money. How you judge money affects how you will manifest all levels of prosperity in your life.
Access Consciousness – Tips for Manifesting Money
A powerful energy healing technique called Access Consciousness states, “‘Every judgment keeps anything that doesn’t match that judgment from showing up in your universe,’” says Access founder and best-selling author Gary Douglas. “’Every judgment is a nail in your coffin.’” Taken from HERE.
I have been studying Access Consciousness lately and using any free tools I can find on the Internet and youtube until I decide if I will take any of their classes or not.
One of the things that has shifted in me is a greater awareness of judgment when it happens and how it affects abundance.

Judgement Limits Your Ability to Manifest Money
Judge a situation. You get that.
Judge a situation another way and your create that.
What if you could eliminate judging and simply allow things to be? This is one of the foundations of Access Consciousness.
The less you judge, the more you eliminate the electromagnetic “charge” limiting your abundance for manifesting money or anything in your life.

A Story – Tips for Manifesting Money
Maybe this Access Consciousness is lifting my awareness. Here is a little story.
The other day I was with a friend. She started to rant about how much she hated to go to the gym to do her stationary biking.
She used to own an exercise bike but when she moved to a smaller place she sold it. Now, getting to the gym to do her exercise was a monumental task.
As she ranted, I said to her, “Why don’t you buy another exercise bike? You can get an inexpensive one and then exercise whenever you have a free moment at home.”
She replied with extreme judgement, “I feel guilty buying a bike since she I am now paying for a gym membership. This is wasteful of money!”
Wow. I sat there wondering if the “cost” she was paying not to have an exercise bike at home was being considered. Doesn’t that count for something?
She used to be able to simply hop on the bike when she got a moment or was talking on the phone. (The gym did not allow phone use while in it.)
I countered. “It is wasteful of your time, and perhaps your health, since now you exercise less. You spend more money going out to dinner than it would cost to buy an inexpensive stationary bike for home.”
Finally she agreed. She sounded so happy too!
We spent the rest of the day searching for a new stationary bike for her. The next day she found an inexpensive one online and bought it.

How much joy do you deprive yourself of with judgment? Tips For Manifesting Money
Probably you deny yourself a lot of joy when you judge. However, even more tragically, each time you judge something you literally have narrowed your possible field of creation to bring abundance to you!
Even things you judge favorably limit you because your judgement now limits bringing results to you only when results are in alignment with what you agree with!
Imagine for a moment that you had no preconceptions.

Explore Your Money Judgment. Tips for Manifesting Money
Imagine for a moment you feel you do not have enough money to thrive. You are in a narrow little channel of survival, but another part of you secretly desires more.
What are your judgements about money?
Do you believe you can’t make more money because you are not smart enough, you are too old or you are too young?
Do you think rich people are callous?
Do you think you have to be pushy to make money?
Perhaps you believe making money is not fun and would exhaust you.
What if for a second — You could entertain the idea that making money is fun!
You could actually help people while making it and lots of money can be made at any age.
Each belief both positive and negative limits your ability to manifest money or anything in your life.
Access Consciousness is all about releasing judgment, asking questions about possibility and then following the flow of events that ensue.
When you literally release the electronic charge your brain sends when you judge something, you begin manifesting money or anything else you want in life.
You actually don’t manifest it. You allow it to come in because you have released the limitations you unconsciously created around you like a wall of judgment.
Maybe we judge to protect our self. Whatever the reason, releasing judgement can be the secret tip to manifestation of money and anything else you want or require in your life.
Start by releasing judgement.

Access Consciousness Video – Stop Judging
Access Consciousness Video: Money Clearing Statements.
I use this everyday with the one following it below.
I have also been using this tool on a daily basis to release all the electronic charges I have around things. It seems to be working as evidenced by the conversation I reviewed above.
This video may sound a little strange as the voices are sped up, but it works for me. I see myself becoming more open minded about situations in my life.
When we allow possibility, possibilities come in.
Access Consciousness Video: Virtual Bars.
Exercise – Tips to Manifest Money
- Write down all the judgements you have about manifesting money in your life right now. (One to five minutes).
2. Prepare to listen to the video called “Access Consciousness Clearing Statements to Attract Money” located above and HERE. Place your fingers softly on what is called the “Money bar” depicted in the illustration at the beginning of the video.
3. Listen to the entire video.
4. Write down any changed ideas you have about money now. Pay attention to how you feel over the day, week or month.
5. Group Class. If you are working in a class ask each participant to talk about one judgment they may have about money. If this is a psychic development class ask participants to talk about one judgment they think someone else in the class has about money, too.
Recommended to do this every day for at least 30 days. These shifts may be subtle.
Spirit Medium Laura