I heard the words in my head, “Today I surrender to love.” At first I thought it a “nice and positive” thing to say, but as the day progressed and I kept on repeating it, magical and wonderful things began to happen.
This morning I awoke from a glorious, delightful sleep. I felt so relaxed. My mind was ripe with ideas for healing, creativity and new beginnings.
Ever feel like that?
This was in contrast to the prior 12 months of not being able to sleep. One of the symptoms “your vibration is rising” is an inability to sleep as light beings work with your energy. I had been unable to sleep with odd regularity.

Recently I have been sleeping much better, thank goodness! I believe this is so because my shift has finally been completed from the old energies to the new.
In celebration of this shift I heard the words in my head, “Today I surrender to love.” At first I thought it a “nice and positive” thing to say, but as the day progressed and I kept on repeating it, magical and wonderful things began to happen.
The first incident was a phone call from a new friend. I answered the call in a loving and welcoming way. I was practicing surrendering to love.
Then I received a text message from a friend. I shared my new affirmation with a sardonic wit, “Today I surrender to love.” We both had a good laugh and off I went to new surprises.
The phone rang again unexpectedly. An old friend whom I thought I had unintentionally offended in the past, called to chat. No mention of any offense. Feeling safe, I shared my new intention. “Today I surrender to love.” We both loved it and off I went.
Within five minutes of that, I heard from another friend from the past. He called to offer his hand in loving friendship to go out and be social. This was something I had been asking the universe to vibrate to me.

For the last few months I had deliberately withdrawn socially. I felt I needed to de-tox from my current relationships. In this spirit, I purposefully did not race out and addictively fill my social void with new people.
I was learning how to step aside and flow in my vibration. I kept asking the universe to fill the void with people of like vibration.
Humor began to take the best of me. I was enjoying so much the results of my new attitude. I repeated again to myself, “Today I surrender to love” one more time before I went off to a wonderful meditation class a good friend of mine was facilitating.
There in the class were two more individuals I had unwittingly offended about a year prior. Now before you start thinking I have left a trail of offenses behind me, think again. Another symptom “your vibration is rising” is broken relationships. These can be reinstated at the higher vibration once you have shifted.
Whatever offenses I may have created a year prior seemed to be totally forgotten and forgiven. We all enjoyed this wonderful, magical class as we raised our vibration in meditation. This day was a totally loving experience.
You might want to use this affirmation to see what it does for you. “Today I surrender to love.” For me it was truly miraculous.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Psychic Manifesting: Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.