PROBLEMS: Transform Problems Into Prosperity.
The short answer is to LOVE your problems because they are there for your success!
Today I was sitting at my desk minding my own business. As I checked my personal email I saw my neighbor had sent me something.
When I opened it I found this wonderful story about how a butterfly must struggle to leave its cocoon. If it does not go through that struggle because it was freed accidentally, it will never fully develop so it can fly.
The struggle is how the butterfly develops to fly!
The problem was the prosperity!
The more you send all your problems love, the more they will transform into your prosperity.
For example, are you upset because you do not have something?
A common “problem” that many people, especially women experience, is suffering because they do not have a love relationship in their life.
They feel empty, alone, afraid, almost addicted to finding love.
When and if they can shift from the problem of not happy because of no love relationship to happy with or without a love relationship, something magical immediately happens.
They find love!
First they find love of themselves. Then they begin to attract love as they emanate this vibration. Polarity attracts like polarity.
You might be wondering, “Well how do I get to that shift without years of suffering, therapy and longing?”
Here is a simple exercise, channeled from the ones, on how to encourage this shift from problem to prosperity.

The longing is the problem so we suggest each time a person feels longing to ask themselves what are they longing for.
In the case of love it might be excitement, fulfillment or simply someone to talk to.
Then the next step is to ask themselves how they can give this thing, this longing desire, to themselves. How can they fulfill it on their own.
The more they fulfill their longing with love to themselves, the more they will shift from problem to prosperity.
Here is a simple meditation to augment this process.
- Go into a quiet place.
- Ask yourself what it is you want more in your life than anything else.
- See it, give it a face, personify it. For example if you want love see this love as an object or person or thing of some sort.
- Feel the longing for it.
- Then shower this thing with pink light. Watch the light laser it away.
You have in effect eradicated the longing with love. Pink light symbolizes LOVE from the highest source.
When you are longing ask for love, give it love and watch the longing melt away.
This transforms your longing into love thus freeing it from magnetic parity with you. You shift the longing into love.
This frees you to have a parity of love to your desire, not longing.
You can free yourself from the bondage of longing with love.
The Ones