Trust the Timing of Your Life Everything Is Happening Exactly As It Should. When you are miserable you are not trusting the process of life.
Today as I sat around wondering and worrying about what would happen next, I heard very loudly in my head an extremely simple word of advice.
I heard the word, “TRUST.”
My Guides Were Telling Me to Trust the Timing of My Life, Everything Is Happening Exactly As It Should
In one moment I knew I had to let go of worrying. I felt anxious, unsettled, negative and all around miserable.
Everything in my life seemed wrong.
After talking to my sister about this on the phone, as I mentioned above, I heard a voice in my head yell at me, “TRUST.”
Trust seems to be the hardest thing to have in life when everything seems to be going wrong, yet Trust is the most powerful state to have.
Trust is the state of Miracles.
The following channeling and story illustrates this.

Channeling Begins, “How to Trust the Timing of Your Life, Everything Is Happening Exactly As It Should”
Who is to say you should be doing anything in particular at any moment? Maybe just being in the sunset with deep breath is everything.
The more you resist what is not happening or is happening in your life, the more it will persist. What you resist, persists!
Perhaps you have in your head that things should be a certain way in your life. That you need this or that to be happy.
Then you get restless, negative and fatigued that you do not have something you want.
Like the dog chasing its tail, you never arrive.
You want love. You get love.
Yet you start to doubt the love. You start to feel unloved, empty, perhaps unfulfilled in some way.
This is the way of the logical mind. It is empty trying to fill itself with something. Some thought. Some emotion. Some satisfaction.
The mind never is satisfied. It persists.
The only remedy to this is to Let Go.

The Easiest Way to Let Go is to Meditate – Trust the Timing of Your Life, Everything Is Happening Exactly As It Should.
We recommend to you to begin your path of meditation now before it is too late. Before you do something stupid to fill the void that cannot be filled from the mind.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. It needs to be cultivated as a tool, but not as a guide.
The mind is distinct, abstract and real. Yet the mind has nothing to do with reality.
The mind is a false God appearing real before you.
Treat your mind with the respect it deserves as a servant to your deeper side, your soul.
Your soul knows no worry, no holding back, no not having.
Your soul is complete, satisfied and wise. It is your savior.
Say hello to your soul today.
The Ones
Then Something MIRACULOUS Happened
I went to the beach later in the day to meditate at sunset. Funny thing I did not plan it this way, it just sort of happened.
The channeling above says “Maybe just being in the sunset with deep breath is everything.” Could my Spiritual Guides have know I would be at the beach at sunset meditating?
The next little miracle is a text message I received. I suddenly decided to check my phone for any messages.
There was a text message from a person I did not trust.
He said in the text message he would do what I asked of him so I would trust him.
I sat there stupefied. Really?
I was told earlier in the day by spirit to trust through meditation. As I meditated, a relationship I did not trust was resolved.
Wow. I would say that is a miracle.
Here’s to letting go with meditation!
Learn More About Letting Go to Access Your Soul Abundance Check the First Course on this Page HERE.