Trying to heal a broken heart? Have you had a devastating breakup or do you want to attract new love into your life?
Read on.
Spirit Message About Trying to Heal a Broken Heart
This morning as I sat in meditation as soon as I closed my eyes, spirit began channeling to me a healing message about love.
The sudden message was, “We all have the ability to create love.”
I understood with these words a deeper meaning. Spirit was telling me we have the ability to create or destroy love relationships at will.
Love is not something that happens to us.
It is something we create.
We are not a victim of love. We choose love.
Those that are searching for love from another person would do well to love themselves first. Those that seek love to fill an emptiness inside, attract unsustainable love relationships that fail in the end.
Love based on needing to be loved, will ultimately collapse on itself.
Seek love in yourself, for yourself. Work on your sense of worthiness. Then love can bloom.
Here is an article from Psychology Today which further elaborates on feeling worthy of love. Go HERE to read it.

Trying to Heal a Broken Heart Benefits from A Sense Of Worthiness
You do not earn worthiness. You ARE worthy.
Why? Because you are divine creation.
I wrote a channeled article on this in the past. The gist of it is this.
You and I are here because we are the product of divine consciousness. Our world evolved from inert matter into animated, conscious beings.
Wow. When you think about this for a minute, you realize how you and I are quite miraculous!
We are creative consciousness itself.
Once you “get” this you become a conscious creator, understanding that you are either creating or destroying love in your life.

Continuation of the message from spirit about “trying to heal a broken heart.”
“We all have ability to create love by asking to be love.
“Rather than ask that you receive love from someone or somewhere, you should ask that you are love now.
“To be love is one of the most creative things you can do. You are the one who creates love or breaks love, no one else.
“You have power over this. It is all about self love.
“When you love yourself, no one can control healing your broken heart.
“You have control over your heart. It is like a resource you manage, not a negative condition you are a victim of.
“When you understand this you know how to heal a broken heart.
“You created the love for another. You now have to take back that love and redirect it to yourself.“

Meditation to Use if You are Trying to Heal a Broken Heart
Here are a few meditations to help you heal a broken heart at its foundation.
When we do not love ourselves fully we cannot attract any love into our life. It is very difficult to heal after a breakup and it is very hard to attract love in the first place if we have a broken heart at a fundamental level.
So this meditation can shift your vibration from a broken heart (not feeling worthy of love) to being love right now.
After doing this meditation, you can heal after a breakup easier and attract new love into your life easier.
Having a healed heart is the magical elixir of love. It is love itself.

Pink Heart Meditation
Imagine a heart in front of you made of pink light. This heart stands for unconditional love.
Imagine you are holding this heart with both hands about two feet in front of your chest.
Now state to yourself as you draw the heart closer to your chest, that you are love itself and a loving person.
Imagine the heart made of pink light melting into your chest.
All of the energy this heart holds is now being redirected into your vibration for healing, soothing relief and creating new direction in your life around issues of love.
You are healing your broken heart at a deeper level than just one failed relationship. You are shifting your vibration to a solid foundation to be love itself so you can attract new love of a more permanent nature.
You are creating fertile soil for healing and having love.
Imagine this Pink Light Heart going into your chest a few times. Each time you do it imagine it is relieving any pain you feel around love issues, both at a deep fundamental level and at a more superficial level of your current situation.

This works as you work it.
UPDATE on Trying to Heal A Broken Heart
A few weeks after I did this meditation on myself, I began to have insights as to how I was creating or destroying love in my life.
I began to soften on some relationships I was destroying even before they had a chance to bloom.
I began to realize I was projecting past failures into current new possibilities.
I began to be more constructive in the area of creating love in my life. I made softer, more loving choices, giving a chance to situations I would have in the past thrown away immediately.
As my energy shifted I began to meet new people who were interested in creating a love relationship in their life. It was as if I had my magnetic powers turned on.
We will see what happens next. Perhaps I will discover that a love relationship is not what I really want. Perhaps what I really want is something else.
To create lasting love you need first to fulfill your deepest sense of worth.

Your Deepest Sense of Worth Happens by Expressing Your Unique Talents In Service to Others. This is your soul purpose.
Then when you are complete in this, you are ready to create a sustainable love relationship in your life.

I hope this helps you see how you can create or destroy love in direct relationship to how worthy you feel to be loved.
Spirit Medium Laura