HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE: Psychic Implications
I have always intuitively felt the universe to be infinite, no beginning, no end, each and every time I heard a scientist explain the big bang singularity event. David Bohm, sometimes called the father of new physics, spent a lot of time studying Indian mysticism. He uses a holograph as a metaphor to postulate the universe is infinite, time and space are illusions and the entire universe knows itself.
Here is an article which explains how some scientists and mathematicians from India have theorized using Bohm’s physics model that the universe is infinite without beginning or end. Here is the article link: http://www.firstpost.com/world/big-bang-never-happened-suggests-new-theory-2093553.html

I feel intuitively as well there is no time either. All events are happening at the same moment. We as humans experience events as linear, however, they really are happening continuously. I believe some day individuals will be able to travel to any part of the universe instantly by entering and leaving time-space coordinates.
This means that the idea of a beginning or an end is an illusion. “Bohm’s universe is a strange, mystical place in which past, present, and future coexist….Ultimately, all moments are really one. Therefore now is eternity.” (Taken from http://www.fdavidpeat.com/interviews/bohm.htm)
He also compares the universe to a large hologram in which all parts know itself. “Everything emerges by unfoldment from the holo-movement, then enfolds back into the implicate order. I call the enfolding process ‘implicating,’ and the unfolding ‘explicating.’ The implicate and explicate together are a flowing, undivided wholeness. Every part of the universe is related to every other part but in different degrees.” (Taken from http://www.fdavidpeat.com/interviews/bohm.htm)
So in Bohm physics the universe knows itself, much like a hologram knows all parts of itself. “Waves from the whole object come into each part of the hologram. This makes the hologram a kind of knowledge of the whole object.” (Taken from http://www.fdavidpeat.com/interviews/bohm.htm)
HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE: Psychic Implications
Perhaps this is why a psychic can know anything about anything. Let’s theorize that perhaps the psychic act is an individual’s consciousness reading the “holographic” universe.