Validation from spirit is real. If you are open, when validation happens you can receive a heaping helping of healing to happiness.
If you are closed you lose any help it can provide to you!
Learn how real spirit is, in this article.
If you ever feel lost, confused, completely defeated and alone, you need to know there is an ultimate energy watching over you even if you do not believe.
Knowing that this dimension and power exists can greatly aid you in accessing its power to heal your heart and awaken your happiness.
Today I was working with a client. I felt like I was straining to get messages from her deceased husband in spirit. The client was sick with the flu.
As well, this was the anniversary of her husband’s death, which greatly drained her emotions. Perhaps these conditions were blocking the connection.
At times like these I sometimes commit the worst, most destructive sin of self doubt! I wonder if this is the work I am supposed to do, if spirit is real, if this process is legitimate, and so on. Ah!
As well, today a related goal I had been working towards slipped away from me. As I sank down into quiet sadness I prayed with deep feeling for help.
When I pray I know my prayers will be answered. I always see results.
I find the secret to results from prayer is to do it with deep surrender, sincerity and simplicity.
As I continued with the client today, I felt like I was mining for gold with my bare hands in the deep mind of the universe, each golden nugget of confirmed evidence painfully extracted from the amorphous chatter.
During this slow and painful process some remarkable confirmations of evidence were made. However, some information could not be confirmed, and was rather baffling.
The husband in spirit said and kept saying throughout the sitting that she was going to get flowers this weekend unexpectedly from someone.
I really resist giving predictions as they cannot be confirmed when delivered, but every well trained psychic will tell you we give the messages as we receive them like brave soldiers carrying out orders.
As I delivered this well meaning, but unproven message, I felt like a naked clown. My client and I had no idea how she could or would get flowers as she did not have a boyfriend or anyone she could think of that would do such a thing.
About four hours later I received a phone call from this client.
She had received a delivery of FLOWERS at her door from her step daughter!

You might be thinking I take this in stride, but each time spirit proves itself I am totally surprised!
Each time I believe a little bit more, but still hold the common sense “reality” in front of me of separation and lack as the supreme power.
I admit it is difficult to KNOW spirit is real as we live in the illusion of three solid dimensions, each aspect reflecting separation, not connection. How could spirit, not physical, be real enough to respond to us?
However, this article is to remind you that SPIRIT IS as REAL as the wind in the trees, invisible, but affecting our dimension directly. As we realize this we can enjoy the HEALING to HAPPINESS available to us by accessing it.
Another incident occurred proving spirit.
Today a goal I had been working towards for what felt like an eternity, slipped away AGAIN from me.
Since I had tried to handle this on my own for so long with spotty results, I intuitively felt it was time for surrender. I handed it up to Higher Power in a sincere, simple prayer for help.
Later today, as I began to do some related research on my computer, an unrequested page accidentally flew up in front of me.
I looked at the page and literally thought to myself, “That’s funny. I wasn’t looking for this page or information and it flew up in front of me. Let me take a look at it.”
When an unexpected coincidence occurs I look at it. I have trained myself to listen for answers even though at times I do not fully believe.
If you do not listen for answers from SPIRIT you will NOT notice when synchronicity (meaningful coincidence) occurs and therefore not benefit from the help SPIRIT CAN PROVIDE.
You will ignore the answers spirit sends you!
This is why it is so important to keep an open mind to spirit as real. Ask, then wait to receive. Expect answers. Listen deeply.
Meditation is powerful because it helps you listen!
So when I saw this page appear in front of me, I did not brush it away as nonsense.
Instead I paid attention.
It seemed odd that it would appear just then to me. I had a subscription to the service, but had ignored it for months and had no reminders of it either until right then.
I decided to follow the lead. I went onto the page.
As I looked at it, to my amazement, there was the answer to the prayer I had said earlier! This answer would have been missed had I not bumped into it unexpectedly this way.
Never doubt your ability to receive healing, guidance and direction from a loving source if you ask for it.
Never doubt that spirit hears you and answers.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with spirit through Laura HERE.
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Thank you Amy! Sending you golden nuggets back at you. :)
Thank you Laura! I have to remember to watch out for these gold nuggets on my treasure hunts. I like doing life as a treasure hunt! Love you Laura!