VEGAN diet cancer reversal. It might surprise you but the vegan diet is linked to healing most diseases including cancer.
VEGANISM: VEGAN diet cancer reversal. Is Vegan Healthy?
Can becoming a raw vegan really reverse cancer? Is it really better to be VEGAN or is this vegan thing a hoax?
My mother died of lung cancer. Recently I believe she said “hello,” to me with the beautiful pink flamingo feather pictured below.
There suddenly the pink feather appeared at my feet as I was taking a walk and listening to the documentary “What the Health.” The documentary just happened to be at that moment discussing cancer and its relationship to meat.
As I staggered in place for a moment staring at the feather my mind flooded with these thoughts:
- It is rare to find a pink feather,
- Pink signifies love,
- Feathers are one of my mother’s favorite signals from heaven,
- My sister, who has very poor health, and I had been debating whether meat was healthier than veganism and
- My mother, who died of cancer, was a meat eater,
This little innocent pink feather got my attention.

VEGAN diet cancer reversal: My History With Veganism
After going Vegan a few years ago to improve my health, I got sick again. At that time I was getting an upper respiratory infection that would last from 4 to 5 weeks, with violent coughing, stuffy nose, sneezing, exhaustion, etc. 4 to 5 times a year for 1 to 2 years!
When I went to a doctor they had nothing for me, not even antibiotics, so I took matters into my own hands and cleaned up my diet.
The first thing I found was a documentary, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” about vegetable juicing to help a very sick individual, Joe Cross, regain his health. Here is a link to it.
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After that all fingers seemed to point to veganism for optimal health. I found “Forks Over Knives,” and a myriad of Whole Food Plant Based literature and material. There was a lot of scientific evidence.
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But after going vegan for a period of maybe six months, I got the upper respiratory infection again. I decided I needed meat for strength so went back to eating it in moderation as part of a plant based diet.
Recently I decided to go completely vegan again. The reason is I felt physically stronger as I haven’t gotten any infections for two years, however I have debilitating pain in my hips and knees and have ongoing ischemic dermatitis (rashes, breakouts from unknown causes).
If you have been reading this blog you might have found two posts I made on rosacea and acne. I finally decided my ischemic dermatitis was due to body inflammation.
All disease comes from excess inflammation. Cancer included.
Skin breakouts and joint pain can come from inflammation in the body too. Inflammation is basically toxic build up in the body from foods, stress, inadequate hydration, faulty elimination including leaky gut and so on.
So I decided to take it upon myself to explore once again the Vegan approach to health and healing.
After a few You Tube videos on this subject I found Chris Wark, of the “Chris Beat Cancer” fame. This convinced me the vegan approach to healing the body is the top of the food chain (excuse the pun).
Chris Wark was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 26. After having the operation to remove the cancer from his intestines, the doctors found it had spread.
They said he only had a 60% chance of living beyond 5 years even if he had Chemotherapy.
He prayed for another approach, an answer. Within three days of his prayer at his door he received a book from a family acquaintance. The book is called “God’s Way to Ultimate Health.” This book reveals a raw vegan diet for healing.
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He followed the diet and began his healing journey. He now has become a mouthpiece for healing cancer through diet. His website is
1. I got sick again going vegan. Apparently my immune system which is plagued by chronic Epstein Barr virus needs enough high quality protein to efficiently function.
2. It can be highly detoxing to go whole foods plant based raw vegan (high quality raw) for a period of time. But even Chris Wark’s Naturopathic Doctor told him to add cooked flesh foods to his diet two days a week after a couple of years of raw vegan. He was too thin.
3. HEALTHIEST DIET. After researching all sorts of diets for years I have concluded that the overall healthiest diet is real whole food HIGH FIBER/ LOW FAT diet with some flesh based foods in it.
An ideal plate would contain 3/4 non starchy fruits and vegetables to 1/4 low fat, high quality protein.
Protein could be organic flesh protein (grass fed beef, free range fowl, wild fish), complex carbohydrate protein (ex. brown rice and beans).
Eliminate anything processed like pasta, bread, sweets, added oil, etc. unless it is high in fiber and your system can tolerate it. I found that when I ate pasta my facial rashes started again.
This diet is anti inflammatory. It will help you lose weight effortlessly, keep it off, detox, avoid disease, keep your immune system at its highest function.
One of the primary reasons you gain weight is because your body is trying to protect itself from inflammation from toxins. The chemicals in processed foods and sugar are toxins to your body. Fat is created to protect your organs from TOXINS.
So how do you get lean? Avoid toxins in your food. Eliminate properly. Drink plenty of clean water. Exercise daily. Eat whole, organic, real (not man made) food.
When I started eating like this, the weight just peeled right off of me.
For those of you who want to learn more about VEGAN diet cancer reversal, longevity and healing I suggest the following.
1. “The Blue Zones,” by Dan Buettner. Long term study revealed the 5 places globally with highest concentrations of centenarians. These locations are primarily Whole Food Plant Based diets. In Lido Linda California’s 5th Day Adventist population, one of the five Blue Zones, as an example, the Vegans live longer than the Vegetarians live longer than the Carnivores.
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2. Dr. Joel Kahn. I learned about Dr. Kahn, a cardiologist, from a You Tube video where “Chris Beat Cancer” was interviewing him. This guy is a powerhouse of information, quoting the long term scientific studies which reveal Vegan is best diet, vegetarian good, and the ORIGINAL Paleo is pretty good because it is Whole Foods Plant Based with some animal foods in it. Here is a recent book by him.
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3. Christ cured himself of advanced colon cancer going raw vegan. He does countless interviews with luminaries on the subject of curing cancer with alternative strategies including a more Whole Foods Plant Based approach to health.
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