VIBRATION = Verbalization + Visualization to manifest your dreams.
This lesson is inspired by Lesson 3 of SOUL ABUNDANCE, the 1st self paced video Course for Soul Psychic Mediumship Education Certification. free Introductory Videos, full course descriptions and access HERE:
- PLAN to ARRIVE at least 5 minutes EARLY.
- DO YOUR OWN 15 to 30 minute MEDITATION beforehand.
- Have PAD & PEN READY to record ideas.
- MEDITATION. With meditation music playing, all are instructed to go into open body position (uncross arms and legs), breathe slowly from abdomen
- PRAYER. “Father Mother God, all beings of highest love and light please come to me now for the sessions for today. Please allow messages to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. Please allow us only to work in highest love, light and protected space possible. Please provide automatic, instantaneous and energizing connections to and disconnections from spirit, sitters and me.
- (PRAYER for OTHERSIDE CONNECTIONS). [Needed if some students want to do mediumship during the message service. ] All souls on the Otherside please provide the following 5 pieces of evidence so that the sitter will know it is you. Please provide your correct name, appearance, cause of passing, relationship to sitter and personal messages. Please send pictures to my eyes, words to my ears, feeling to my body and knowing to my brain. Please ask your guides and my guides for help as needed.
- INTENTION. Teacher directs students to set intention they receive accurate messages for themselves and others in today’s exercises.
- ENERGY CONNECTION. Teacher does energy connection. “On next exhale of breath please send me (teacher) your energy.” An energy connection is done by visualizing all participant’s energy blending into one field.
PLAYSHOP 3. VIBRATION = Verbalization + Visualization. This exercise is designed to teach you how to shift your own vibration so it resonates with goals you have.
As well, it tests through psychic perception whether your vibration was shifted after the exercise by being read psychically by a student in class.
After prayer, meditation and energy connection (listed above), teacher asks all students to create a GOAL they want to manifest.
Teacher asks students to choose two words to symbolize this goal. Teacher asks students to see a picture that stands for this goal.
Ex. Let’s say you want to get married and have a family. Your two words could be MARRIAGE FAMILY. Your picture could be you in the middle of a family photo.
Teacher asks students to get into an open body position.
Begin to breath from your abdomen slowly and comfortably.
VISUALIZE the picture (giohy) you chose to symbolize your goal.
Say the first word on inhale. Say the second word on exhale.
Do three times. (When doing this alone you should set a timer and do for at least 8 minutes while staring at your photo or GIPHY.)
SELF READING. Teacher tells students to take a moment and ask spirit for any guidance for themselves about this goal. Write down what they get.
Teacher asks one student to volunteer to be read.
Teacher asks another student do the reading.
Teacher asks the student reader to focus on the student and ask spirit to give them the goal of this sitter. The student reader is instructed to go into a passive state to receive what is revealed to them. They might see, feel and/or hear something.
ANSWER. Reader gives what they got. The sitter (one getting reading) gives feedback.
CLASS DISCUSSION. Class now discusses what they got for themselves.
Partner Breakout. We will do the same thing with breakout partners. As well, students can practice other kinds of readings with each other as inclined.
READINGS. 7:30pm ET.
Teacher places attendees into ZOOM Breakout rooms.
Teacher joins various breakout rooms. Students work in breakout rooms with each other. Every ten minutes the rooms are opened and teacher sets up new breakout rooms.
FURTHER STUDY. This lesson is inspired by Lesson 3 of SOUL ABUNDANCE, 1st self paced video Course for Mediumship Education Certification. Further info at
Want to fulfill Your Destiny? Check the LIMITLESS series HERE.

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